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Convert a TSV file to Excel using Python

A tab-separated values (TSV) file is a simple text format for storing and exchanging data in a tabular structure, such as a database table or spreadsheet data. The table’s rows match the text file’s lines. Every field value in a record is separated from the next by a tab character. As a result, the TSV format is a subset of the larger (Delimiter-Separated Values) DSV format.

In this article, we will discuss how to convert a TSV file to Excel using Python. Here we will be using XlsxWriter python module. It is used to create XLSX files. This module doesn’t come in-built with python and hence has to be installed and loaded into the working space explicitly. To install this type the below command in the terminal.

pip install XlsxWriter



workbook_object = WorkBook(output_filename)


with open(tsv_file, ‘r’) as csvfile:

…     read_tsv = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter =’\t’)

read_tsv = csv.reader(open(tsv_file, ‘r’), delimiter=’\t’)


worksheet_object.write_row(row, col, data)



Example 1: Convert TSV to XLS 

TSV Used:


# Importing modules
import csv
from xlsxwriter.workbook import Workbook
# Input file path
tsv_file = 'worldcup2014.tsv'
# Output file path
xlsx_file = 'worldcup2014.xlsx'
# Creating an XlsxWriter workbook object and adding 
# a worksheet.
workbook = Workbook(xlsx_file)
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
# Reading the tsv file.
read_tsv = csv.reader(open(tsv_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8'), delimiter='\t')
# We'll use a loop with enumerate to pass the data 
# together with its row position number, which we'll
# use as the cell number in the write_row() function.
for row, data in enumerate(read_tsv):
    worksheet.write_row(row, 0, data)
# Closing the xlsx file.


Example 2: Convert tsv to xls

TSV Used:


# Importing modules
import csv
from xlsxwriter.workbook import Workbook
# Input file path
tsv_file = 'hospital.tsv'
# Output file path
xlsx_file = 'hospital.xlsx'
# Creating an XlsxWriter workbook object and 
# adding a worksheet.
workbook = Workbook(xlsx_file)
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
# Reading the tsv file.
read_tsv = csv.reader(open(tsv_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8'), delimiter='\t')
# We'll use a loop with enumerate to pass the 
# data together with its row position number, which
# we'll use as the cell number in the write_row()
# function.
for row, data in enumerate(read_tsv):
    worksheet.write_row(row, 0, data)
# Closing the xlsx file.


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