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Components And Classification Of Ecosystem

What is Ecosystem? 

  • An ecosystem is the communities of living things in any particular area and their physical surroundings interacting together. It is an ecological unit within which structurally and functionally distinct biosphere units also exist. Therefore, a non-living element is part of an ecosystem.
  • An ecosystem might be a solitary lake, a little forest, a prairie, or a mountain peak, for instance. Thus, if the forum is the environment, then the books, students, tables, and teachers make up its ecosystem, and an ecology study of their interactions would be appropriate.

Components of Ecosystem:

1.  Abiotic Components:

It includes energy (Essential for life), rainfall (All the biochemical reactions take place in an aqueous medium), temperature (It influences the survival of the living organisms as they tolerate a certain range of temperature), atmosphere (It creates conditions suitable for existence), substratum, latitude & altitude (It influence and areas temperature resulting in climates such as polar tropical), materials (Organic material like proteins, carbohydrates etc. that are formed from inorganic substance on decomposition and inorganic compound like CO2, Water, Sulphur, Nitrate etc). 

2.  Biotic Components: 

a. Primary Producers or Autotrophs

b. Consumers or Heterotrophs 

c. Decomposers: 

Classification of Ecosystem:

A. Natural Ecosystem:

1.  Terrestrial Ecosystem – Forest, Grassland, Deserts. 
2.  Aquatic Ecosystem – Freshwater, Saline water and marine water. 

B. Artificial Ecosystem: 

These are man-made ecosystems that include Crop, Urban, Industrial, Laboratory and Space ecosystems.

 Parts of Ecosystem :

1) Ecotone:

An ecotone is a point where two or more different ecosystems converge. Mangrove forests, for instance, serve as an ecotone between the marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Grassland, estuaries, wetlands, the Terai area, marshes, etc. are some examples.

Characteristics of Ecotone:

2) Ecological Niche:

It is a species’ particular functional role or position within an ecosystem. No two species have precisely the same number of inches in this.

Types of niches-

3) Biome:

4) Biosphere: 


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