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How Do I Clear The Credentials In AWS Configure ?

AWS Configure is a command-line tool provided by Amazon Web Services’s command line interface (CLI) that allows users to configure their AWS CLI credentials, such as access keys, secret keys, default region, output format, etc. You can interact with numerous AWS services directly from your terminal with the help of AWS Configure. use the CLI by setting up the AWS configuration so that users can automate repetitive tasks by using scripting.

Features of AWS Configuration

Basic Examples of AWS Configuration

aws configure --profile profile_name

If you don’t specify the –profile option, it will configure the default profile. Otherwise, it will configure the profile specified by the profile name.

aws configure set aws_access_key_id YOUR_ACCESS_KEY
aws configure set aws_secret_access_key YOUR_SECRET_KEY

Replace YOUR_ACCESS_KEY, YOUR_SECRET_KEY with your actual AWS access key, AWS secret key

Note: These commands are used when you want to modify your AWS access key and secret key

use the below command to set the default output format for CLI commands

aws configure --default output format json
aws configure set default_output_format table

Below command will override your selected default output format

aws ec2 describe-instances --output table

This will create a new profile named myprofile with its own credentials and default region.

aws configure set profile demoprofile

AWS Access Key ID for profile demoprofile [REQUIRED]: YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID_FOR_MYPROFILE
AWS Secret Access Key for profile demoprofile [REQUIRED]: YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_FOR_MYPROFILE
Default region name for profile demoprofile: YOUR_REGION_NAME

Step By Step Procedure to Clear the credentials in aws configure?

Step 1: Open the terminal of your linux machine

Note: Here in these article we have using ec2 instance to demonstrate the practical

Step 2: Make sure that you have installed the aws cli

Step 3: Now use the following command to view your aws configure credentials

sudo cat /root/.aws/credentials

Step 4: Now to open these file into editor use following command

sudo vi /root/.aws/credentials

click i keyboard button to go into insert mode to edit this file

Step 5: Then clear these aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key

click esc button and type :wq! to save the file

Step 6: To verify whether credentials cleared or not use following command

we can see that credentials are empty in aws configure

  /usr/local/bin/aws configure list

you can use “aws configure” command to set the credentials again.



Applications of AWS Configure


In this way, we have gone through of what exactly AWS Configure is and in easy step by step explanation of how we can clear the credentials in AWS configure.

How Do I Clear The Credentials In AWS Configure? – FAQ’s

Why would I need to clear credentials in AWS Configure?

Clearing credentials in aws configure may be necessary if you want to remove access to your AWS account from a particular environment or if you need to reset credentials for security reasons.

Will clearing credentials affect existing resources or services in my AWS account?

No, clearing credentials will not affect existing resources or services in your AWS account

Can I clear credentials for a specific AWS profile?

Yes, you can clear credentials for a specific AWS profile by editing the corresponding profile’s configuration in the AWS CLI configuration files.

Is there a way to recover cleared credentials?

Once credentials are cleared, they cannot be recovered. You’ll need to obtain new credentials and reconfigure the AWS CLI.

Can I clear credentials programmatically or through an API?

No cannot directly clear credentials through programmatically or through an API

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