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Classifying Data With Pandas In Python

Pandas is a widely used Python library renowned for its prowess in data manipulation and analysis. Its core data structures, such as DataFrame and Series, provide a powerful and user-friendly interface for handling structured data. This makes Pandas an indispensable tool for tasks like classifying or grading data based on specific criteria. In this guide, we delve into the intricacies and methodologies involved in data classification using Pandas.


A Pandas DataFrame transcends the static table paradigm, embodying a dynamic and mutable data structure. Comprehending its components is paramount: the columns are, in essence, Series capable of holding diverse data types. The beauty lies in Pandas’ provision to index DataFrames, enabling swift and efficient data retrieval and manipulation. This indexing feature transforms the DataFrame into a versatile tool, empowering users to navigate and manipulate data with ease, making it a cornerstone in data analysis and manipulation.


Pandas Series, a core component, derives its potency from the index—a unique label for each element, facilitating efficient alignment and merging of data. This index serves as a guiding beacon, enhancing the Series’ utility in various data manipulation tasks. Moreover, Series excels in performance, supporting vectorized operations that enable streamlined mathematical computations on large datasets. This dual functionality positions Pandas Series as a dynamic and indispensable tool for data scientists, offering efficient data handling, alignment, and processing within the Pandas framework.

Concepts Regarding Data Classification with Pandas:

Classification Criteria:

Before diving into the classification process, it’s crucial to thoroughly explore and visualize the data. Pandas provides a suite of descriptive statistics functions that aid in understanding the distribution of data.

Categorical Data:

In the realm of classification tasks, the thoughtful optimization of categorical data is pivotal for a nuanced understanding of the underlying patterns. Pandas, with its powerful categorical data type, provides a refined approach to this optimization. It facilitates the exploration of both ordered and nominal categories, offering a comprehensive view of the data landscape.

# Sample DataFrame with categorical data for a classification task
data = {'Category': ['Small', 'Medium', 'Large', 'Medium', 'Small', 'Large', 'Medium', 'Large', 'Small'],
        'Value1': [15, 30, 45, 20, 10, 40, 25, 35, 12],
        'Value2': [5, 10, 15, 8, 4, 12, 7, 11, 3],
        'Label': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'B', 'C', 'A']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Convert 'Category' column to categorical type
df['Category'] = pd.Categorical(df['Category'], categories=['Small', 'Medium', 'Large'], ordered=True)
# Explore ordered categories
print("Ordered Categories:")
# Create custom categories based on 'Value1' and 'Value2'
df['CustomCategory'] = pd.cut(df['Value1'], bins=[0, 15, 30, 45], labels=['Low', 'Medium', 'High'])
# Handle missing values by filling with a default category
df['Category'].fillna('Unknown', inplace=True)
# Display the optimized DataFrame
print("\nOptimized DataFrame:")


Ordered Categories:
count 9
unique 3
top Small
freq 3
Name: Category, dtype: object

Optimized DataFrame:
Category Value1 Value2 Label CustomCategory
0 Small 15 5 A Low
1 Medium 30 10 B Medium
2 Large 45 15 C High
3 Medium 20 8 A Medium
4 Small 10 4 B Low
5 Large 40 12 C High
6 Medium 25 7 B Medium
7 Large 35 11 C High
8 Small 12 3 A Low


Taking data grouping to the next level involves delving into multi-level indexing and the simultaneous application of multiple aggregation functions. This advanced grouping strategy proves invaluable in scenarios demanding hierarchical classification. By employing multi-level indexing, you can create a more nuanced perspective on the dataset, uncovering intricate relationships and patterns. Simultaneously applying various aggregation functions adds flexibility, allowing for a comprehensive analysis of grouped data.

import pandas as pd
# Sample DataFrame for advanced grouping
data = {'Category': ['A', 'B', 'A', 'B', 'A', 'B'],
        'Value1': [10, 15, 8, 12, 5, 9],
        'Value2': [25, 20, 18, 22, 15, 21]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Group by 'Category' and apply multiple aggregation functions
grouped_df = df.groupby('Category').agg({'Value1': ['sum', 'mean'], 'Value2': 'max'})
# Rename columns for clarity
grouped_df.columns = ['Total_Value1', 'Average_Value1', 'Max_Value2']


             Total_Value1  Average_Value1  Max_Value2
A 23 7.666667 25
B 36 12.000000 22

Lambda Functions and the Apply Function:

Lambda functions provide a concise way to define small, inline functions, often used in conjunction with the apply function. An example of classifying numerical data using a lambda function is:

In this example, a lambda function is used to apply a classification rule based on the score.

import pandas as pd
# Sample DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'Score': [85, 72, 90, 60, 78]})
# Use a lambda function with the apply function to classify scores
df['Classification'] = df['Score'].apply(lambda x: 'Pass' if x >= 75 else 'Fail')


   Score Classification
0 85 Pass
1 72 Fail
2 90 Pass
3 60 Fail
4 78 Pass

Custom Functions:

The benefit of using custom functions is that they can better facilitate readability and reuse by encapsulating intricate categorization logic. Using a custom function, the following example shows how to categorize students according to their ages:

# Sample DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie'],
                   'Age': [22, 18, 25]})
# Custom function for age classification
def classify_age(age):
    if age < 20:
        return 'Young'
    elif 20 <= age <= 25:
        return 'Mid-age'
        return 'Senior'
# Apply the custom function to create a new 'Age Category' column
df['Age Category'] = df['Age'].apply(classify_age)


     Name  Age Age Category
0 Alice 22 Mid-age
1 Bob 18 Young
2 Charlie 25 Mid-age


When it comes to data analysis, Pandas is a really useful tool. The fundamental ideas and useful applications of data categorization with Pandas have been made clear by this article, which also demystifies the process. It teaches you the key concepts and practical examples needed to organize and classify a range of datasets with ease.

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