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Class Mammalia

Mammalia is a class of Kingdom Animalia. The organisms belonging to class Mammalia are called mammals. These are the more advanced organisms in the animal kingdom. The presence of mammary glands is one of the distinguished characteristics of mammals. About 6000 different species of mammals can be found in deserts, seas, polar regions, rivers, and rainforests. They have specific characteristics such as mammary glands to produce milk for their children.

What is Mammalia?

Mammalia is a class within the Animalia Kingdom. Mammals are organisms belonging to the class Mammalia. The mammals have unique characteristics, such as mammary glands for milk, warm-blooded, and different types of teeth. The body parts of all mammals are similar, including the limbs, digestion systems, lungs for breathing, circulatory systems with a heart, kidney excretions, and taste organs. Based on reproduction, mammals are grouped into two subclasses: Prototheria and Theria. The mammals give birth to their children but some mammals lay eggs. Human is also an example of mammals.

Mammalia Examples

A group of vertebrate animals are known as mammals or mammals. A few examples are:

Characteristics of Mammals

The distinguishable characteristics make mammals differ from other animals. The characteristics of mammals are as follows:

Types of Mammals

Mammals are broadly classified into three categories:

Classification of Mammals

The Mammalia is the largest class in the kingdom Animalia. There are several types of mammals such as small, large, marine mammals, etc. Based on reproduction, mammals are grouped into two subclasses:


The most primitive type of mammal is Prototheria, also known as Monotremes. These are restricted to Australia and near places such as Tasmania and New Guinea. Prototheria are unique due to their egg-laying nature. Monotremata is an order under subclass Protheria that consists of six species.

E.g.: Ornithorhynchus (Duck-Billed Platypus) and Tachyglossus (Echidna)


It includes animals that give birth to their children. Two infraclasses of this subclass are Metatheria and Eutheria:


Animals belonging to Metatheria are called marsupium marsupials or pouched mammals. The female animals belonging to this infraclass have pouches. The offspring of these mammals are immature and live in their mother’s pouch until adulthood. The infraclass Metathesis is divided into 7 orders as follows:

Metatheria has more than 250 species found in Australia, Papua New Guinea, and some parts of the United States. E.g.: Kangaroos, koalas, etc


Mammals that give birth to the child directly belong to infraclass Eutheria. An embryo formed inside the mother’s stomach is developed as an offspring. These offspring get their nutrition inside the mother’s womb through the placenta. This infraclass is divided into 19 orders.

Orders of Eutheria

The following table lists the orders of Eutheria:




Sorex (Shrew)


Pteropus (flying fox)


Dasypus (Armadillo)


Manis (Pangolin/scaly anteater)


Orycteropus (Aardvark/cape anteater)


Rattus (Rat)


Oryctolagus (Rabbit)


Delphinus (Dolphin) and Balaenoptera (Blue whale)


Halicore (Dugong)


Panthera tigris (Tiger)


Hyrax (Procavia)


Bubalus (Water buffalo)


Equus (Horse)


Elephas maximus (Indian elephant)


Homo sapiens (Human)


Cynocephalus (flying squirrel)

Features of Mammalia

The following are the features of mammalia:


Digestive System

Respiratory System

Circulatory System

Excretory System

Sense Organs

Some Interesting Facts About Mammals

The below are some of the interesting facts about mammals:

Conclusion – Mammalia

Mammalia is a class of animals in the animal kingdom. Members of this class are called mammals. Mammals have mammary glands to produce milk for their offspring. The class is divided into two infraclasses: Protothera and Theria. In the majority of mammals, they give birth to their children, but some mammals lay eggs. Humans are also mammals.

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FAQs on Mammalia

What is Mammalia?

Mammalia is a class of kingdom Animalia that includes warm-blooded vertebrates.

What are Mammals?

Mammals are warm-blooded animals that belong to the class Mammalia. These organisms give birth to their offspring and some lay eggs.

Which is the Largest Mammal in the World?

The African elephant is considered the largest mammal in the world.

What is the Distinguishable Characteristic of Mammalia?

The organisms belonging to class Mammalia have mammary glands and these are warm-blooded.

Is Human Mammal?

Yes, humans belong to the class Mammalia. They are warm-blooded animals with the presence of mammary glands.

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