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Chart.js Tutorial

What is Chart.js?

Chart.js is an open-source JavaScript library on Github that allows you to draw different types of charts by using the HTML5 canvas element. Since it uses Canvas, you have to include a polyfill to support older browsers.

Charts.js Installation Guide

Why do we use Chart.js?

Whenever we need to add any type of chart or graph in our project we can add those by the use of Chart.js.



ChartJS already has built-in Typescript typings. It can be used with all frameworks of JavaScript for e.g. React, Vue, Svelte, and Angular. Chart.js also provides links to CDN and jsDelivr so that it can be easily integrated into any type of project. It also provides an npm package so that it can be directly installed into your system and can be integrated with your system.

Chart.js General

IT is rendered on the screen via the canvas element of the developer. we can create any type of chart by the use of Chart.js having any type of customization and visuals. We can add content to that but that content is not accessible to the user through the screen. so the canvas is accessible in all the web browsers but not its content. that’s why Chart.js provides many other attributes to do so. This is only one example out of many. more There are many other features provided by Chart.js, that we are going to discuss below.



General Accessibility

It ensures the accessibility rendered on user-provided canvas elements. Users can add accessibility features like ARIA attributes or fallback content within the canvas elements. 

General Colors

It allows color customization in the charts. For the geometric elements like lines and bars, we can set background and border colors and for the Text elements such as labels and titles, we can set the font colors.

General Data structures

It is the backbone of chat.js or any other charting library, with the help of data structures we can determine how data is organized, manipulated, and finally displayed in the chats. 

General Fonts

It is the global font settings that can be applied in the visual chart allowing to style of the text elements. Using this setting we can customize the text element. 

General Options

It provides us the options for change or customize the chart level, Dataset level, Dataset animation options, Dataset element level options, Scale options, Plugin options, etc.

General Padding

It can be used to provide a border around the chart or to make sure that none of its components are placed too close to the canvas’ edges.

General Performance

Chart.js charts are speedily rendered thanks to their utilization of canvas elements. This choice of rendering contributes to swift performance, allowing for the creation of dynamic and visually appealing charts.

Chart.js Configuration

ChartJS Configuration is used to change the behaviour of chart by providing properties like fonts, styling, colors, the legend, etc. It has many properties those are describes below.




It is used to change the behaviour of charts by provirding different types of properties.

Animations Configuration

It is the set of options to control the dynamic visualization effects in the Chart.js chart. This configuration contains animation settings, transitions, easing functions,etc. 

Canvas background Configuration

It consists of setting options to control the visual appearance of the chart area. That help to change background properties like color.

Data Decimation Configuration

It is the feature developed for line charts, allowing us to reduce the data points automatically. By this, the chart’s performance and visuals are optimized in proper clear form.

Device Pixel Ratio Configuration

It allows the users to override the default pixel ratio of the window, which provides control over the rendering resolution of the chart canvas.

Elements Configuration

It provides us with the option to configure four types of elements: arcs, lines, points, and bars. 

Interactions Configuration

It provides us the mode of interactions means it is responsible for handeling the events while intraction with charts.

Layout Configuration

It provides the configuration for the customize the layout globally.

Legend Configuration

It provides configuration for displaying the data about the datasets that are appearing on the chart.

Locale Configuration

It facilitates the locale option in order to set the numbers of ticks on scales in accordance with language-specific number convention formatting. 

Responsive Charts Configuration

It helps in making the charts responsive according to the screen sizes.

Subtitle Configuration

It provides the option to add the second title below the main title.

Title Configuration

It manages the title of the chart.

Tooltip Configuration

It provides the configuration for adding the tooltip on the chart with many type of customizable properties

Chart.js Chart Types

ChartJS offers a diverse set of chart types, each designed to convey specific types of data effectively. It also helps to see the computed data at a glance, in order to analyze & make the required decision accordingly. With this, it enhances overall readability, & the user experience.



Area Chart

It is the type of chart that is mainly used to represent the data points over the continuous axis by filling the area or portion within the data line and the axis by making it a colored portion. 

Bar Chart

It is a graph that uses rectangular bars to show data. The length of each bar corresponds to the value it represents, making it easy to compare several groupings quickly. 

Bubble Chart

It is used to display the three-dimensional data or 3D data. 

Doughnut and Pie Charts

It is the circular statistical-shaped chart that is used to display the data in rings, where each ring represents the data from the dataset.

Line Chart

It is a visual representation of data points connected by straight lines, depicting trends or patterns in a dataset over time or categories.

Mixed Chart Types

It is a single graphical representation in which multiple chart types are combined. Examples are line, bar, radar, and doughnut in a single chart. 

Polar Area Chart

It is the type of chart that represents the data in a circular shape format which is quite similar to the pie chart. 

Radar Chart

It is used to present the multivariate data in a spider-web-like format, which allows us to properly analyze and compare more than one quantitative variable in parallel. 

Scatter Chart

It is a data visualization concept that allows users to represent and analyze the relationship between two numerical variables.

Chart.js Axes

It is an ntegral part of a chart. that determine how to map the data to a pixel va;ue on the chart. It basically deal with axes of all type of charts and provides default scaling. Also it is open to customize the scales of each type of charts having different axes. Many other type of axes are described below.




It is an integral part of Chart.js and it is used to determine the pixel value of the chart. There can be one or more X-axis and Y-axis. It provides the common and trick configuration for axes.

Cartesian Axes

It can be of many types and each type specifies the need of the value according to its name. For e.g. Category axis provides a label category to label the name of each point on the chart or graph.

Radial Axes

These are used mainly for the polar area, radar, and bubble charts. It has circular axis that runs around the boundaries of the chart, which shows the different kinds of data points at various distances from the center of the chart.

Labeling Axes

It is mainly used to make the charts more readable and informative. It provides various options to customize the labels of both X and Y axes, as well as other types of axes as we know for example radial axes.

Styling Axes

It helps to style the axes so that they can look good, rather than a boring chart. It allows us to customize the look of the grid lines, ticks, and borders or the chart.

Chart.js Developers

Chart.js Developer feature allow us to extend the feature of Chart.js. It extends the feature of customizing the chart by providing extra methods, properties and configurations. Types of developer features are described below in brief.




It extends the feature of Chart.js by providing the extra properties and configurations.

API Developer

It is a collection of methods, properties, and different events that we can use to create and manage the charts quite effectively.

New Axes Developer

It is used to extend and create custom axes by using the Chart.Scale class. Using this feature we can develop specific scales other than the standard one which is provided by Chart.js.

New Charts Developer

It provides the control over Dataset Interface, Extending Existing Chart Types, TyeScript typings, etc.

Contributing Developers

Chart.js is open to contribute, means if you want to add any more feature to it you can freely constribute to it by using there GitHub repository.

Plugins Developers

It provides the efficient way to customize or change the default behaviour of the chart by providing extra pluginss.

Publishing an extension Developers

It allows you to create extension for Chart.js.

TypeDoc Developers

It provides the list and documentation of Enumerations, Classes, Interfaces, etc.

Updating Charts Developers

It provides th eoptions for updating the data used in chart.


1. What is Chart.js and what is its primary purpose?

Chart.js is an open-source JavaScript library that provides developers to create interactive charts and graphs on web pages. It’s primary purpose is to simply the data process of visualization of data by providing customizable various types of charts.

2. What are the key components require to integrate a Chart.js chart into a web page?

You can intergrate Chart.js with your project by installing it by the use of the npm package or by including the links provided by the Chart.js. you can refer this for installation of Chart.js into your project.

3. How can developers customize the appearance of a Chart.js chart?

They can customize the chart by the use of the configuration provided by the chart.js.

4. Explain the role of datasets in Chart.js chart.

Dataset in Chart.js represents the actual data points on the chart. It also shows the properties like color, font, etc.

5. How to Create Bubble and Soughnut Charts using Chart.js ?

You have to first integrate the Chart.js library into you project then by the help of the canvas tag you can add both the charts into your project. you can refer this for whole explanation.

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