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Change in State of Motion

In science, a push or pull of an entity is identified as a Force. The interaction between two objects arises from the force. Force has both magnitude and direction. The strength of a force is articulated in magnitude. Force brings about an altar in the direction or state of motion of a body.

Characteristics of forces:

Force can alter the state of motion of an entity:

Motion of an object:

Force can change the shape of an object:

The shape of an object can be altered if some force is applied to it. Depending upon the magnitude of the applied force and the rigidity of the object, the effect on its shape and size can be observed.

Push: A force exerted away from the body is called push, e.g: Hitting a ball, kicking a football.

Pull: A force exerted towards the body is called pull, e.g: drawing a bucket of water from a well, playing tug of war.


Net force:


When the force acts at an angle to the horizontal, vectors are also used.

Application of Force:

State of Motion

The state of motion of an entity is defined by its velocity – the speed with a direction. Thus, inertia could be redefined as follows:

Inertia = tendency of an entity to oppose changes in its velocity.

An entity at rest has zero velocity – and (in the nonappearance of an unhinged force) will stay with a zero velocity; it will not alter its state of motion (i.e., velocity). Objects oppose changes in their velocity.

Types of Forces

Contact Force 

Touch or contact is necessary to do the majority of our daily actions. E.g Lifting, pulling, kicking, pushing, etc. Forces that require a touch or contact to be applied are known as contact forces. E.g: Muscular forces, frictional forces

Air Resistance: An object experiences a force called air resistance, whenever it moves or flies in the air, it experiences a force called air resistance.

Non-contact forces

These forces do not need contact or have their effect without a touch. Example: magnetic force, electrostatic force, gravitational force.

Electrostatic force: Electrostatic Force is the force of attraction or repulsion experienced by a charged body from another charged body in the same neighborhood.

Nuclear forces:

Change in Motion


Acceleration is defined because of the rate of altering velocity with reference to time. Acceleration may be a vector quantity because it has both magnitude and direction. It is also the second derivative of position with reference to time, or it’s the primary derivative of velocity with reference to time.

Instantaneous Acceleration:

Instantaneous acceleration is defined as the ratio of alter in velocity during a given time period such that the time interval goes to zero. Acceleration Formula:

Acceleration formula is given as:

Acceleration = (final velocity – initial velocity)/time 

                    = (change in velocity)/(time) 


                 a =


a is the acceleration in m.s-2

vf  is the final velocity in m.s-1

vi is the initial velocity in m.s-1

t is the time interval in s

Δv is that the chicken feed within the velocity in m.s-1

Unit of Acceleration: The SI unit of acceleration is given as m/s2.

Uniform and Non-uniform acceleration:

It is possible in circular where speed remains constant but since the direction is changing hence the speed changes, and therefore the body is claimed to be accelerated.

Average acceleration:

The average acceleration over a period of time is defined because the total change in velocity within the given interval divided by the entire time taken for the change. For a given interval of time, it’s denoted as ā.


Where v2 and v1 are the instantaneous velocities at time t2 and t1 and ā is that the average acceleration.


You must have noticed that always we hamper the speed of our bikes during heavy traffic when more bikes are obstructing us. So, a decrease in speed because the body moves far away from the start line is defined as Deceleration. Deceleration is the opposite of acceleration.

It is expressed as

Deceleration = (Final time – Initial time)/(Time taken)

Deceleration also is known as negative acceleration. Hence, it is denoted by (– a).

Deceleration Formula is given by it is the final velocity minus the initial velocity, with a negative sign in the result because the velocity is decreasing, if starting velocity, final velocity and time taken are given.

If initial velocity, final velocity and distance travelled are given, deceleration is known by

a =


v = final velocity,

u = initial velocity,

t = time taken,

s = distance covered.

Deceleration Formula is employed to calculate the deceleration of the given body in motion. It is expressed in m/s2.

Sample Problems

Question 1: A boy weighing 56 kgf stands on a platform of dimensions 3.5 cm × 1.5 cm. What pressure in pascal does he exert?


Force = Weight = 56 kgf  N = 560N

Area =  m2

Pressure = 

Question 2: A wheel of diameter 4 m can be rotated about an axis passing through its centre by a moment of force equal to 5.0 N m. What minimum force must be applied on its rim?


Diameter = 4 m

Radius = 2 m

Therefore, ⊥ distance = 2 m

Moment of force = 5.0 Nm

Moment of force = Force × ⊥ distance

5.0 Nm = F × ⊥ distance

5.0 Nm = F × 2 m

F = 2.5 N

Question 3: The moment of a force of 60N about a point is 3 Nm. Find the perpendicular distance of force from that point.


Force applied = 60 N

⊥ Distance from the point of rotation =?

Moment of force = Force × ⊥ distance

3 = 60 × ⊥ distance

Distance = 3/60 = 1/20 m = 20 cm

Question 4: Find the thrust required to exert a pressure of 40000 pascals on an area of 0.006 m2?



Force = Pressure × Area

F = 40000 × 0.006 = 240 Newton

Question 5: A car moving with a uniform velocity of 55 Kmph is brought to rest in traveling a distance of 2.5 m. Compute the deceleration formed by brakes?


Given: Initial velocity u = 55 Kmph,

           Final velocity v = 0

           Distance covered s = 2.5m

We know that v2 = u2 + 2as

Deceleration a = 


a = -605x 106 m/s2

Question 6: A toy automobile accelerates from 2 m/s to 6 m/s in 4 s. What is its acceleration?


Given: Initial Velocity u = 2 m/s,

Final Velocity v = 6m/s,

Time taken t = 4s.

The acceleration is given by a =


= 1m/s2

Question 7: From a bridge, a stone is released into the river. It takes 5s for the stone to contact the river’s water surface. From the water level calculate the height of the bridge.


Because the stone was at rest, Initial Velocity, u = 0

t = 5s (t is Time taken)

Acceleration due to gravity, a = g = 9.8 m/s2

Distance covered by stone = Height of bridge = s

The distance covered is articulated by


Therefore, s = 24.5 m/s2

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