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CBSE Class 12 Economics Solved Question Paper 2020 – Set 2 (58/2/3)

Economics (Code No. 58/2/3) 

Time allowed : 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions: 

Read the following instructions very carefully and strictly follow them : 

(i) This question paper comprises two sections – A and B. All questions are compulsory. 

(ii) Question numbers 1 – 10 and 18 – 27 are very short-answer questions carrying 1 mark each. They are required to be answered in one word or one sentence each.  

(iii) Question numbers 11 – 12 and 28 – 29 are short-answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answers to them should not normally exceed  60 – 80 words each. 

(iv) Question numbers 13 – 15 and 30 – 32 are also short-answer questions carrying 4 marks each. Answers to them should not normally exceed  80 – 100 words each.  

(v) Question numbers 16 – 17 and 33 – 34 are long answer questions carrying 6 marks each. Answers to them should not normally exceed  100 – 150 words each.  

(vi) Answers should be brief and to the point. Also the above word limit be adhered to as far as possible.  

(vii) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in 2 questions of one mark, 2 questions of three marks, 2 questions of four marks and 2 questions of six marks. Only one of the choices in such questions have to be attempted.  

(viii) In addition to this, separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary.

Section – A


1. Government expenditure incurred on defense items is a type of _________ expenditure in the Government Budget. (Fill in the blank with correct answer)

Answer: Revenue

2. State whether the following statement is true or false : 

‘‘To reduce inflation, the Central Bank should reduce Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR).’’

Answer: False.

At times of high inflation, to reduce it, the Central Bank; i.e., RBI raises the Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) to reduce the amount of money left with the banks for sanctioning loans.

3. What do you mean by Aggregate Supply?

Answer: Aggregate Supply is the money value of final goods and services that the producers are willing to supply in a given time period in an economy. The Aggregate Supply of an economy is equal to its National Income.

4. _________ is the agent and adviser to the Government of India. (Fill in the blank with the correct answer) 

Answer: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) acts as an agent and adviser to the Government of India.

5. Give any two examples of non-tax revenue receipts. 

Answer: The receipts of the government from all sources other than the tax receipts are known as Non-tax Revenue. Two examples of Non-tax Revenue Receipts are Penalties and Fees.

6. If the Government establishes a new hospital, this expenditure incurred in the Government Budget will be a type of _________ expenditure. (Fill in the blank with correct answer) 

Answer: Capital

7. A car purchased by a household is a _________ . (Choose the correct alternative)

(A) single use capital good

(B) single use consumer good

(C) durable consumer good

(D) semi-durable consumer good

Answer: (C) Durable Consumer Good


GNP deflator is represented by which of the following formulae ? (Choose the correct alternative)





Answer: (A) 

Gross National Product (GNP) Deflator is an economic metric accounting for the effects of inflation in the economy’s current year’ GNP. It does so by conversion of its output to a level which is relative to the base period.

8. Suppose in a hypothetical economy, the income rises from ₹500 crores to ₹600 crores. As a result, the consumption expenditure rises from ₹400 crores to ₹500 crores. Marginal propensity to consume in such a case would be _________ . (Choose the correct alternative) 

(A) 0·8

(B) 0·4

(C) 1·0

(D) 0·6

Answer: (C) 1.0


9. ‘Charity from Abroad’ will be recorded on _________ (credit/debit) side of the Balance of Payment accounts. (Fill in the blank with correct answer) 

Answer: Credit Side of the Balance of Payment Accounts

10. If the entire additional income of an economy is consumed, the value of investment multiplier will be _________ . (Choose the correct alternative)

(A) zero (0)

(B) not defined (∞)

(C) one (1)

(D) ten (10)

Answer: (B) not defined (∞)

11. ‘‘Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is not the best indicator of the economic welfare of a country.’’ Defend or refute the given statement with valid reasons. 

Answer: GDP or Gross Domestic Product is the total value of all the final goods and services produced within the domestic boundaries of a country during a year. The given statement is correct and can be defended with the help of the following points:

1. Distribution of GDP: Sometimes a higher GDP results in the rise in inequalities in the income distribution among people. Inequality in income distribution refers to a rise in the gap between the rich and the poor. Gross Domestic Product does not consider the change in the income distribution of a country. Therefore, in some cases, a rise in GDP does not mean an increase in the welfare of people.

2. Non-Monetary Exchanges: There are many activities such as kitchen gardening, housewife services, etc., in an economy that are not measured in monetary terms, but influence the economic welfare of people. These activities are not included in the determination of GDP because of the lack of data available. Therefore, it might be possible that there is no rise in GDP, but actually, it has increased from the non-monetary exchanges.

3. Change in Prices: Sometimes the GDP of an economy increases because of the increase in the price of the goods and services, but not because of the rise in physical output of goods and services. In these cases, taking GDP as an index to measure welfare is not reliable. 

12. If in an economy :

Marginal propensity to consume (MPC) = 0·8

Change in initial investment  = ₹4,000 crores

Find the value of the following : 

(a) Investment multiplier (K)

(b) Change in final income 

Answer: According to Keynes, an initial increment in the investment increases the final income by many times, and the relationship between an initial increment in investment and the resulting increase in the aggregate demand is expressed through a multiplier; i.e., Investment Multiplier. 

Multiplier (k) is the ratio of an increase in the national income because of an increase in the investment. It can also be calculated with the help of MPC as there is a direct relationship between MPC and the value of the multiplier, which is ‘Higher the MPC, more will be the value of the multiplier’. The formula for calculating k with the help of MPC is:



k = 0.5

b) Another formula for calculating Investment Multiplier is:

Therefore, Change in final income  will be:


Discuss the working of the adjustment mechanism if, Aggregate Demand (AD) is greater than Aggregate Supply (AS). 

Answer: Aggregate Demand refers to the total demand for finished goods and services in the economy over a specific period. It also refers to a country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) demand. Aggregate Supply is the total supply of finished goods and services in the economy over a specific period. When the planned spending of an economy; i.e., Aggregate Demand is more than the planned output; i.e., Aggregate Supply, then the AD (C + I) curve lies above the 45° line. It would mean that the consumers and firms collectively would be buying more goods than the willingness of the firms to produce. Because of this, the planned inventory of the firms would fall below the desired inventory level. 

For bringing back the inventory to the desired level, the firms would resort to increase in employment and output until the economy gets back at output level OY, where AD ultimately becomes equal to AS and there is no more tendency to change.


13. ‘‘The Government Budget of a country cannot have fiscal deficit without the existence of revenue deficit.’’ Defend or refute the given statement. 

Answer: A Budgetary Deficit can be termed as the excess of the total government expenditure over the total revenue generated in a financial year. A budgetary deficit happens when the government spends more money than what is generated through revenue collection, including direct or indirect taxes. Based on the deficit incurred, has been divided into three forms, i.e., Revenue Deficit, Fiscal Deficit, and Primary Deficit. The revenue deficit refers to the excess of revenue expenditure over revenue income in a financial year. However, the fiscal deficit refers to the excess of total expenditure over total receipts/income, excluding borrowings, in a fiscal year.

The given statement, ‘‘The Government Budget of a country cannot have fiscal deficit without the existence of revenue deficit.’’ is refuted. A country can have fiscal deficit without revenue deficit in two cases; viz.,:

  1. When the revenue budget is balanced and the capital budget of the economy shows a deficit.
  2. When the revenue budget is in surplus but the deficit in capital budget of the economy is greater than this surplus.

14. ‘‘US dollar has recorded a jump of 0·75 paise per dollar (p/$) in the last one month; this situation might bring smiles and sorrows to different types of traders (exporters and importers).’’ Justify the given statement. 

Answer: Conversion of currency of one country into the currency of another country and the rate at which one currency is exchanged for another is called the Foreign Exchange Rate or Foreign Rate of Exchange.

The situation of a jump in the US Dollar might bring smiles and sorrow to different people. A jump in US Dollar means appreciation of US Dollar and depreciation of home currency (₹). It means that to buy one unit of US Dollar ($), people have to pay more units of Indian Rupee (₹). It will be good news for the exporters of the domestic country as the domestic products will now become cheaper in the market and they will be able to sell more in the foreign market. However, it will bring sorrow to the importers of the domestic country as the imports will now decline because the foreign goods will become more expensive. 

Hence, a jump in US Dollar of 0.75 paise per dollar will increase exports and reduce imports.

15. How does the Central Bank control the credit with the help of Repo Rate?

Answer: The rate at which a country’s central bank (in the case of India, RBI) lends money to commercial banks to meet their short-term financial needs is known as the repo rate. The central bank advances loans to commercial banks against approved securities or eligible bills of exchange. 

To control credit, the Central Bank increases the repo rate, which increases the cost of borrowing from the central bank forcing the commercial banks to increase their lending rates. It discourages borrowers from taking loans from commercial banks which reduces the money supply in the economy. Hence, the Central Bank controls the credit by increasing the Repo Rate.


Elaborate any two instruments of credit control, exercised by the Reserve Bank of India.

Answer: When there are fluctuations in an economy, the Central Bank (RBI) controls the money supply and credit in its best interest. As the RBI holds the sole monopoly in the issue of currency, it can control money supply and credit. Two of the instruments used by the RBI for credit control are as follows:

  1. Repo(Repurchase) Rate: The rate at which a country’s central bank (in the case of India, RBI) lends money to commercial banks to meet their short-term financial needs is known as repo rate. The central bank advances loans to commercial banks against approved securities or eligible bills of exchange. If there is an increase in the repo rate, it will increase the cost of borrowings from the central bank, which ultimately forces the commercial banks to increase their lending rates, discouraging the borrowers from taking loans from the commercial banks and vice-versa. 
  2. Bank Rate(or Discount Rate): The rate at which a country’s central bank (in the case of India, RBI) lends money to commercial banks to meet their long-term financial needs is known as the bank rate. Bank Rate has the same effect on credit as that of Repo Rate. Simply put, if there is an increase in the Bank Rate, it will increase the cost of borrowings from the central bank, which ultimately increase the lending rates by commercial banks, discouraging the borrowers from taking loans. 

16. Using the following data of an imaginary economy, calculate and compare the Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the given years:


Answer: GDP Deflator measures the average price level of the goods and services of an economy that make up GDP. 

The formula for calculating GDP Deflator is as follows:

Nominal GDP is the Gross Domestic Product of a country of a given year, estimated on the basis of the price of the goods and services of the same year. Real GDP is the Gross Domestic Product of a country of a given year, estimated on the basis of the price of the goods and services of a base year.





Nominal GDP




Real GDP




To determine Real GDP for the periods 2015-16 and 2016-17 we will assume the Nominal GDP and Real GDP for the period 2014-15 to be 10,000 each.

Now, in 2015-16 Nominal GDP has increased by 8%. Therefore, Nominal GDP for 2015-16 will be,

Nominal GDP (2015-16) = 10,000 + (8% x 10,000)

= 10,800

Now, the Real GDP for the period 2015-16 will be,

Real GDP (2015-16) = 6,750 

Similarly, in 2016-17 Nominal GDP has increased by 8%. Therefore, Nominal GDP for 2016-17 will be,

Nominal GDP (2016-17) = 10,800 + (9% x 10,800)

= 11,772

Now, the Real GDP for the period 2016-17 will be,

Real GDP (2015-16) = 7,848

It shows that with a rise of 1% in the Nominal GDP Rate, the Real GDP has increased by 16.26%.


(a) ‘‘Circular flow of income in a two-sector economy is based on the axiom that one’s expenditure is other’s income.’’ Support your 
answer with valid reasons.

Answer: The circular flow of income is an economic model that reflects how money or income flows through the different sectors of the economy. A simple economy assumes that there exist only two sectors; i.e., Households and Firms. Households are consumers of goods and services and the owners of the factors of production (land labour, capital, and enterprise). However, the firm sector produces goods and services and sells them to households. 

In the circular flow of income (two-sector economy), there is an exchange of goods and services between the two players i.e. the firms and households, which leads to a certain flow of money in the economy. Households provide the firms with the factors of production namely, Land (Natural Resources), Labor, Capital, and Enterprise that generates goods and services, and consumers spend their income on the consumption of these goods and services. The firms then make factor payments to households in the form of rent, wages, interest, and profit. This flow of goods and services and factors payments between firms and households reflects the circular flow of money in an economy. 

Therefore, the statement, ‘‘Circular flow of income in a two-sector economy is based on the axiom that one’s expenditure is other’s income.’’ is true.

(b) Distinguish between ‘value of output’ and ‘value added’. 

Answer: Value of Output is the estimated monetary value of all goods and services including change in stock and reduction for self-consumption. Value-added refers to the addition in the value of a raw material or intermediate good by an organization, during the production process. In simple terms, it is the excess of value of output over the value of intermediate consumption. The major difference between the value of output and value added is inclusion of intermediate consumption. Intermediate Consumption is the expenditure incurred by a production unit on secondary inputs like power, raw material, etc., and is included in the value of output but excluded from value added.

 17.  In the given figure, what does the gap ‘KT’ represent? State and discuss any two fiscal measures to correct the situation. 


Answer: In the above-given Income and Aggregate Demand graph, KT represents the inflationary gap. 

An inflationary Gap is a gap by which the actual aggregate demand exceeds the aggregate demand required for the establishment of full employment equilibrium. This gap or excess demand happens due to the rise in money supply and availability of credit at easy terms. The inflationary gap can occur because of various reasons such as a rise in the propensity to consume, reduction in taxes, increase in investment, increase in government expenditure, deficit financing, etc.; and can have an impact on the output, employment, and general price level.

The fiscal measures (fiscal measures or policies are the measures of the Central Government) to correct the situation of inflationary gap or excess demand are as follows:

  1. Decrease in Government Spending: Government spends a huge amount of money on infrastructural and administrative activities. To control the situation of inflationary gap, it should reduce its expenditure to the maximum possible limit. It should give more emphasis on the reduction of expenditure on defence and unproductive works. It is because expenditure on these activities rarely helps in the growth of a country. Hence, a reduction in government spending will reduce the level of aggregate demand in the economy and will ultimately help in correcting inflationary pressures in the economy.
  2. Increase in Taxes: When there is an inflationary gap, the Government increases the tax rates and even imposes some new taxes to reduce the level of aggregate expenditure in the economy. The rise in taxes ultimately helps in controlling the situation of excess demand or inflationary gap.

For Visually Impaired Candidates :

What is meant by deflationary gap? State and discuss any two fiscal measures to correct the situation of deflationary gap.

Answer: When the planned aggregate expenditure of an economy falls short of aggregate supply at the full employment level, the situation of deficient demand rises, which as a result gives rise to a deflationary gap. Hence, the deflationary gap is a gap by which the actual aggregate demand of an economy falls short of the aggregate demand required for the establishment of full employment equilibrium. The deflationary gap can occur because of various reasons such as a decrease in the propensity to consume, increase in taxes, rise in imports, fall in investment expenditure, decrease in government expenditure, etc., and can have an impact on the output, employment, and general price level.

The situation of deflationary gap happens because of a decrease in the money supply and availability of credit. The fiscal measures (fiscal measures or policies are the measures of the Central Government) to correct the situation of deflationary gap or deficient demand are as follows:

  1. Increase in Government Spending: Government spends money on infrastructural and administrative activities. To control the situation of deflationary gap, it should increase its expenditure on different public works such as the construction of flyovers, buildings, roads, etc., so that it can provide income to people hired for these public works. Hence, an increase in government spending will increase the level of aggregate demand and will ultimately help in correcting the situation of deflationary gap or deficient demand.
  2. Decrease in Taxes: When there is a deflationary gap, the Government decreases the tax rates and even abolishes some of the existing taxes. The decrease in taxes raises the purchasing power of people which as a result increases their disposable income, increasing their ability to spend more on investment and consumption. Hence, a decrease in taxes raises the level of aggregate demand and helps in controlling the situation of deflationary gap or deficient demand.

Section – B

(Indian Economic Development)

18. __________ is an example of a commercial source of energy. (Choose the correct alternative)

(A) Firewood

(B) Coal

(C) Agricultural waste

(D) Dried dung cakes

Answer: (B) Coal

19. ___________ policy was implemented in the first seven five-year plans of India, to protect domestic industries. (Fill in the blank with the correct answer)

Answer: Trade (Import Substitution) Import Substitution is a policy of replacement or substitution of imports by domestic production.

20. Identify and match the correct sequence of alternatives of organisations given in Column I with their respective functions in Column II :


Choose the correct alternative from the following :

(A) a-(ii), b-(i), c-(iii), d-(iv)

(B) a-(ii), b-(iv), c-(iii), d-(i)

(C) a-(ii), b-(iii), c-(iv), d-(i)

(D) a-(ii), b-(iv), c-(i), d-(iii)

Answer: (D) a-(ii), b-(iv), c-(i), d-(iii)

WTO is a multilateral trade negotiating body.
RBI is the Central Bank of India.
IMF provide short-term loans to solve the Balance of Payments problem.
IBRD facilitates lending for reconstruction and development.

21. Mao initiated the ‘Great Leap Forward’ in the year ___________ . (Choose the correct alternative)

(A) 1951

(B) 1955

(C) 1958

(D) 1962

Answer: (C) 1958

22. Name the apex institution for rural financing in India

Answer: NABARD (National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development) is an apex regulatory body that sees overall regulation of regional rural banks and apex cooperative banks in India.

23. State whether the following statement is true or false : 

‘‘Land ceiling means fixing the minimum limit of land holding for an individual.’’

Answer: False, Land ceiling means fixing the maximum limit of land held by an individual or a family.

24. Name any one Maharatna company. 

Answer: A Maharatna Company in India is a company that gets the status by the central government. One of the Maharatna Companies in India is Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited.

25. In the year _________, the Indian Government made education free and compulsory for all children between 6 – 14 years. (Choose the correct alternative)

(A) 2001

(B) 2009

(C) 2003

(D) 2007

Answer: (B) 2009


Which one of the following organisations regulates the health sector in India? (Choose the correct alternative) 





Answer: (A) ICMR

26. Mention any one advantage of Organic Farming.

Answer: Organic Farming is a form of agriculture that relies on techniques such as green manure, compost, crop rotation, and biological pest control. One of the advantages of Organic Farming is that it generates more employment opportunities for people as it involves more labor than conventional farming, giving India a comparative advantage in farming. 

27. State whether the following statement is true or false : 

‘‘Proportion of people living below poverty line is more in India as compared to Pakistan.’’

Answer: True.

28. ‘‘Recently the Government of India has decided to merge MTNL and BSNL on account of rising losses.’’ Justify the steps taken by the Government of India. 

Answer: The motive of the Indian Government behind the merger of MTNL and BSNL (the two loss-incurring businesses) are as follows:

29. ‘‘Power sector in India has major challenges to face.’’ Discuss the given statement with valid reasons. 

Answer: Electricity or Power is a critical component of infrastructure and is often identified with the progress in modern civilization. During the last four decades of planning, Power development in India has been significant; however, power generation is still insufficient as compared to the required power. Because of this, in recent years, India is facing a serious power crisis. Some of the problems faced by the power sector in India are as follows:

  1. Inadequate Electricity Generation: The installed capacity of India to generate electricity is not enough to feed an annual economic growth of 7-8%. It is only able to add 20,000 MW per year and to fulfil the growing requirements of power, the commercial energy supply needs to grow at about 7%. 
  2. Shortage of Inputs: The foundation of India’s power sector; i.e., the Thermal Power Plants is facing a shortage of raw materials and coal supplies.
  3. Limited Role of Private and Foreign Entrepreneurs: The role of private sector power generators and foreign investors is limited. They are yet to play a major role in Power Infrastructure.  
  4. Poor performance of State Electricity Boards (SEBs): The responsibility of distributing electricity is in the hands of SEBs. They incur losses exceeding ₹20,000 crores, because of transmission and distribution losses, wrong electricity pricing, and other operational inefficiencies. Besides, a major portion of this loss is because of free power supply to agriculture and power theft.


‘‘India has failed to implement the recommendations of Education Commission of 1964 – 66.’’ Give valid arguments in support of the given statement.

Answer: The given statement is correct, investment made in the education system of India has been a complete failure. In fact, in 1952, the spending on the education system was 0.6% of the nation’s GDP which rose to only 4% in 2014. The spending is shorter than the proposed 6% target by the Education Commission, 1964. Besides, the increase in education expenditure throughout this period has irregularly risen and fallen. If the government has spent the targeted percentage of GDP on the education system of India, the present education system would have been a lot better. Therefore, it is essential for the government to take the necessary steps in this regard.

30. Discuss briefly, how institutional reforms (land reforms) have played a significant role in transforming Indian agriculture. 

Answer: Land Reforms are the change in the ownership of landholdings. These measures have been introduced by different developing and underdeveloped nations to attain a rational land distribution pattern and viable farming structure. Land reform is one of the measures of promoting growth in the agricultural sector. 

The land reform measures taken by the Government in transforming the Agricultural Sector of India are:

  1. Abolition of Intermediaries: For abolishment of intermediaries and making tillers, the owners of land, the Indian Government took numerous steps. The idea behind Land to the Tiller was to ensure that the ownership of land would give incentives to the actual tillers for making improvements in the land and increasing output. To make improvements on the land, the tenants do not have any incentives as the owner of the land gets more benefit from the output. Once the tillers get ownership of the land, they will be able to make a profit from the increased output. With this measure, 200 lakh tenants got in direct contact with the government.
  2. Land Ceiling: Land Ceiling means fixing the maximum limit of land held by an individual or a family. If an individual or a family owns land above the specified limit, it will be taken away from them by the government and would be allotted to small farmers and landless cultivators. The basic aim behind the land ceiling was the reduction of the concentration of land ownership in a few hands. This measure helped in promoting equity in the agricultural sector.


‘‘Import restrictions were imposed in India with the dual objective to save foreign exchange reserves and to be self-sufficient.’’ Justify the given statement with valid arguments. 

Answer: The given statement, ‘‘Import restrictions were imposed in India with the dual objective to save foreign exchange reserves and to be self-sufficient.’’ is appropriate because the risk of drain of foreign exchange reserves on the import of luxury goods made it compulsory to restrict imports in India. Thus, import restrictions aimed at two major things:

  1. Saving the scarce foreign exchange by putting restrictions on the volume of imports.
  2. Protecting domestic industries from foreign competition through import substitution; i.e., substituting imports with domestic production.

In the early post-independence, with the help of import restrictions, the government of India helped it move towards the objective of self-reliance. 

31. Comment upon any two salient features of the foreign trade policy of India, on the eve of Independence.

Answer: Foreign Trade refers to the exchange of goods & services between two or more nations or within boundaries. India has been one of the major trading countries since the time of independence, and primarily exports goods like cotton, silk, jute, indigo, wool, etc. India is also an importer of finished products like woollen clothes, silk, cotton & capital goods like light machinery made in Britain, etc. 

Salient features of the foreign trade policy of India:

1. Monopoly control of Britain over foreign trade

2. Exporter of raw material & importer of finished goods

32. Compare and analyse the given data of India and China with valid reasons :


Answer: The given table related to the data of India and China shows the following aspects of its population growth and sex ratio:

  1. The annual growth rate of the population in China is less (0.5%) than the growth rate in India (1.2%) because of the “One Child Policy” in China. India too wanted to spread awareness among people related to family planning measures, but the decreasing rate of population is China is more than the decreasing rate in India.
  2. The number of females per 1000 males in India is less (929) than the number of females per 1000 males in China (941). It is because in India people prefer a son (male) as their child instead of a daughter (female). 

33. Define the following : 

(a) Golden Revolution

(b) Carrying Capacity of Environment

(c) Poverty Line

(d) Life Expectancy


a) Golden Revolution: A period in which the production of horticultural products such as vegetables, fruits, etc., showed a tremendous rise is known as the Golden Revolution. In India, the period between 1991 to 2003 is considered the period of the Golden Revolution. It made India a world leader in the production of spices, bananas, mangoes, and coconut. The Father of The Golden Revolution in India is Nirpakh Tutej.

b) Carrying Capacity of Environment: Environment is termed as the total planetary inheritance and the totality of all resources. Simply put, it is the sum total of all the external sources that surround us and includes all biotic and abiotic factors that influence each other. Carrying Capacity means that the resource extraction should not go above the rate of resource regeneration. It also means that the waste generated should not go above the absorption capacity of the environment. 

c) Poverty Line: Poverty is a peculiar problem because of which various countries are suffering. Poverty is a state in which a person is not able to fulfil even the basic necessities of life. Poverty line is the minimum threshold income level or the per capita expenditure which is regarded as adequate for the population of a nation. Simply put, poverty line is a cut-off point on the distribution line, dividing a country’s population as poor and non-poor. Poverty line can be determined in terms of Calories Intake and Monthly Per Capital Expenditure (MPCE). It tries to capture the socially acceptable minimum standard of living of the population that society tries to fulfil. 

d) Life Expectancy: Life Expectancy is the number of years an individual is expected to live on an average.

34. (a) Comment upon the informalisation of labour force in India. 

(b) Define the worker-population ratio. 


a) In recent years there has been unprecedented growth in the informal and unorganised sectors of India. Here, almost the whole agricultural sector and a large part of industrial and service sector units fall under the category of the informal sector. People employed in this sector are generally not entitled to get regular salaries and other social security benefits. Therefore, Informalisation of the Workforce refers to a situation where the workforce in the informal sector increases to the total workforce of the country. According to the composition of the workforce in India, it has been divided into two categories; Formal or Organised Sector and Informal or Unorganised Sector. The Formal Sector consists of jobs that have specific working hours and fixed wages; whereas, the Informal sector is where the workers or employees don’t have fixed working hours and wages. 

Besides, after keeping in view to the growth of the informal sector and the various disadvantages attached to it, in recent times, the Indian Government has initiated its modernisation and provision of social security measures to the workers.

b) Worker-population Ratio is the ratio of total number of workers to the total population and is generally expressed in terms of percentage. The formula for calculating the worker-population ratio is:


Critically examine the results of Poverty Alleviation Programmes implemented in India since independence. 

Answer: Poverty is a particular issue that affects many countries around the world. There can not be a universally acknowledged definition of poverty. Broadly it can be said that: Poverty refers to a state in which an individual is unable to fulfil even the basic necessities of life. The minimum requirements include food, clothing, shelter, education, and health facilities. To remove poverty, the Government of India has taken various approaches such as Growth-orientation Approach, Minimum Needs Programme, and Poverty Alleviation Programmes. 

Poverty Alleviation Programmes is the second approach initiated by the Government of India from the Third Five Year Plan and has been progressively enlarged since then. As the total number of poor people has remained the same over the last two decades because of the growth of the population, the Government of India has specifically designed anti-poverty programmes under this approach for the generation of both self-employment and wage employment. 

Because of the poverty alleviation programmes, the percentage of absolute poor people in some of the states of India has fallen below the national average of poverty. In spite of the fallen level of poverty, the problems of hunger, illiteracy, and malnourishment continued to exist in India and the reason behind these problems are as follows:

Hence, it can be concluded that even though the poverty alleviation programmes helped in reducing poverty in India, the Government has not been able to achieve the desired results because of the improper implementation of these programmes.

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