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C# Program to Inherit an Abstract Class and Interface in the Same Class

Abstract Class is the way to achieve abstraction. It is a special class that never be instantiated directly. This class should contain at least one abstract method in it and mark by abstract keyword in the class definition. The main purpose of this class is to give a blueprint for derived classes and set some rules what the derived classes must implement when they inherit an abstract class. An abstract class can be used as a base class and all derived classes must implement the abstract definitions. 


abstract class classname
    // Method Declaration in abstract class

Here, the classname is the name of an abstract class. We can declare any number of methods inside it.

Interface is like a class, it can also have methods, properties, events, and indexers as its members. But interfaces can only have the declaration of the members. The implementation of the interface’s members will be given by the class that implements the interface implicitly or explicitly. Or we can say that it is the blueprint of the class.


interface interface_name
    // Method Declaration in interface

Now given that one interface and one abstract class, now our task is to inherit both interface and abstract class in the same class. 


class GFG : Abstract_Class, Interface
    // Method definition for abstract method
    // Method definition for interface


// C# program to illustrate how to inherit an
// abstract class and interface in the same class
using System;
// Abstract class
abstract class Abstract_Class
    // Method declaration in abstract class
    public abstract void abstract_method();
// Interface
interface Interface
    // Method declaration in interface
    void interface_method();
// Here, GFg class inherit abstract class and interface
class GFG : Abstract_Class, Interface
    // Method definition for abstract method
    public override void abstract_method()
        Console.WriteLine("I am the method of abstract class");
    // Method definition for interface
    public void interface_method()
        Console.WriteLine("I am the method of interface");
class Geeks{
// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    // Creating objects
    Abstract_Class ac = new GFG();
    Interface inf = new GFG();
    // Calling the methods of abstract class
    // and interface


I am the method of abstract class
I am the method of interface


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