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C# | IndexOfAny() Method

In C#, IndexOfAny() method is a String Method. It is used to search the specified character index present in the string which will be the first occurrence from start index. It returns index as an integer value. This method can be overloaded by changing the number of arguments passed to it.

IndexOfAny Method (Char[])

This method will take a single parameter which is the character array containing one or more characters to search. It will search from the start index i.e. from 0 by default and returns -1 if no character in ch was found.


public int IndexOfAny(char[] ch)

Example: Program to demonstrate the public int IndexOfAny(char[] ch) method. The IndexOfAny method will search characters from the start to end of the string and return integer value as position which is the first occurrence of that character.  

// C# program to illustrate the
// public int IndexOfAny(char[] ch)
using System;
class GFG {
   // Main Method
    public static void Main()
        String str = "GeeksForGeeks";
        Console.WriteLine("Given String : {0}\n", str);
        // to find single character
        // to start search to match character
        // 's' will be found at 5 position
        char[] ch = { 's' };
        Console.WriteLine(str.IndexOfAny(ch) + 1);
        // to find any character
        // to start search to match characters
        char[] ch1 = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'e', 'f' };
        // 'a', 'b', 'c', 'e', 'f' then first
        // 'e' will be found at 2 position
        Console.WriteLine(str.IndexOfAny(ch1) + 1);
        char[] ch2 = { 'a', 'b', 'c' };
        // if no character found in string
        // then return -1;
        int m = str.IndexOfAny(ch2);
        if (m > -1)
            Console.WriteLine("Not Found");


Given String : GeeksForGeeks

Not Found

IndexOfAny Method (Char[], Int32)

This method uses the zero-based index of the first occurrence in the current instance of any character in a specified array of characters. The search starts from a specified character position.


public int IndexOfAny(char[] ch, int startIndex)

Example: Program to demonstrate the public int IndexOfAny(char[] ch, int startIndex) method. The IndexOfAny method will search characters from the start to specified startIndex to end of the string and return integer value as position which is the first occurrence of that character. 

// C# program to illustrate the
// public int IndexOfAny(char[] ch, int startIndex)
using System;
class GFG {
    // Main Method
    public static void Main()
        String str = "GeeksForGeeks";
        Console.WriteLine("Given String : {0}\n", str);
        // to find single character
        char[] ch = { 's' };
        int startIndex = 6;
        // to start search from index 6 so character
        // 's' will be found at 13 position
        Console.WriteLine(str.IndexOfAny(ch, startIndex) + 1);
        // to find any character
        char[] ch1 = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'e', 'f'};
        int startIndex1 = 4;
        // to start search from index 4 so character
        // 'e' will be match first at 10 position
        Console.WriteLine(str.IndexOfAny(ch1, startIndex1) + 1);
        char[] ch2 = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'f' };
        int startIndex2 = 5;
        // to start search from index 5
        // so no character found
        // its case sensitive search so 'f' is not match
        int m = str.IndexOfAny(ch2, startIndex2);
        if (m > -1)
            Console.Write("Not Found");


Given String : GeeksForGeeks

Not Found

public int IndexOfAny( char[] ch, int startIndex, int count)

This method uses the zero-based index of the first occurrence in the current instance of any character in a specified array of characters. The search starts from the specified character position and examines a specified number of character positions.


public int IndexOfAny(char[] ch, int startIndex, int count) 

Example : Program to demonstrate the public int IndexOfAny( char[] ch, int startIndex, int count) method. This IndexOfAny method will search the characters from specified index to specified index + (count – 1) of the string where count is the number of the characters to examine and then return integer value as position which is the first occurrence of that character. 

// C# program to illustrate the
// public int IndexOfAny( char[] ch,
// int startIndex, int count)
using System;
class GFG {
    // Main Method
    public static void Main()
        String str = "GeeksForGeeks";
        Console.WriteLine("Given String : {0}\n", str);
        // to find single character
        char[] ch = { 's' };
        int startIndex = 6;
        int count = 4;
        // to start search from index 6
        // to 10(6+4)so character
        // 's' is not found so return -1
        int r = str.IndexOfAny(ch, startIndex, count) == -1
                ? -1 : str.IndexOfAny(ch, startIndex, count) + 1;
        // to find any character
        char[] ch1 = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'e', 'f'};
        int startIndex1 = 3;
        int count1 = 8;
        // to start search from index 3
        // to 11(3 + 8)so character
        // 's' will be match first at 10 position
        int r1 = str.IndexOfAny(ch1, startIndex1, count1) == -1
                     ? -1 : str.IndexOfAny(ch1, startIndex1, count1) + 1;
        char[] ch2 = {'a', 'b', 'c', 'F'};
        int startIndex2 = 5;
        int count2 = 5;
        // to start search from index 5
        // to 10(5 + 5)so character
        // 'F' will be match first at 6 position
        int r2 = str.IndexOfAny(ch2, startIndex2, count2) == -1
                     ? -1 : str.IndexOfAny(ch2, startIndex2, count2) + 1;


Given String : GeeksForGeeks


Important Points to Remember:  



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