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Bulma Responsive Alignment

Bulma Responsive Alignment is used to make your website responsive. You can choose a specific alignment for each viewport width. Simply append the viewport width to the alignment modifier.

Responsive Alignment Classes:

Note: You can use the same logic for each of the 4 alignments, you have to change the side value of the left and that can be anything left, right, justify and centered.

Example: The below example illustrate the Responsive Alignment class in Bulma

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link rel='stylesheet'
<body class="has-text-centered">
    <h1 class="is-size-2 has-text-success">
    <b>Bulma Responsive Alignment</b>
    <div class="container">
        <p class="has-text-left-mobile is-size-4">
        <p class="has-text-left-touch is-size-4">
        <p class="has-text-left-tablet-only is-size-4">
        <p class="has-text-left-tablet is-size-4">
        <p class="has-text-left-desktop-only is-size-4">
        <p class="has-text-left-desktop is-size-4">
        <p class="has-text-left-widescreen-only is-size-4">
        <p class="has-text-left-widescreen is-size-4">
        <p class="has-text-left-fullhd is-size-4">



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