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Bulma Container Overview

Bulma is an open-source CSS framework developed by Jeremy Thomas. This framework is based on the CSS Flexbox property. It is highly responsive, minimizing the use of media queries for responsive behavior.

The container is the element that is used to center the content horizontally on the bigger screen sizes. Mostly, it is used as the child of the following navbar, hero, section, footer.

When we have larger viewports then we need to center the elements then we can use the container classes to do this. There are some container classes available as shown below.

Bulma Container classes:

Screen sizes⇢



Below 1024px


Between 1024px and 1215 px


Between 1216 px and 1407 px

Full HD screen

greater than 1408 px

Classes maximum-width maximum-width maximum-width maximum-width
.container Full-width 960px 1152px 1344px Full-width Full-width 1152px 1344px Full-width Full-width Full-width 1344px Full-width 960px 960px 960px Full-width 960px 1152px 1152px


<div class="container  Container-Class">

Example 1: The following code demonstrates the container class. The container width will be full below the screen size of 1024px as shown below.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Bulma Container</title>
    <link rel='stylesheet' href=
    <h1 class="is-size-2 has-text-success">
    <b class="is-size-4">
        Bulma Container overview
    <div class="container">
        <div style="background-color:black;
            <p style="color:white; size:30;">
                The container width will be full
                below screen size of 1024px
            <h3 style="color:white; size:30;">


Bulma Container Overview

Example 2: The following code uses is-fullhd modifier class. The container width will be full below the screen size of 1407px.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Bulma Container</title>
    <link rel='stylesheet' href=
    <h1 class="is-size-2 has-text-success">
    <b class="is-size-4">
        Bulma Container overview
    <div class="container is-fullhd">
        <div class="" style="background-color:black;
            <p style="color:white; size:30;">
                Using is-fullhd class
            <p style="color:white; size:30;">
                The container width will be full
                below screen size of 1407px
            <h3 style="color:white; size:30;">


Bulma Container Overview


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