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How to Build Python Application Using Jenkins ?

Jenkins is one of the most popular automation tools used worldwide for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery. It is a free and open-source automation server that enables developers to build, integrate and test the code automatically as soon as it is committed to the source repository. Building a Python application utilizing Jenkins includes setting up an automated interaction for tasks, for example, getting the source code, running tests, and producing artifacts like executables or sending bundles. Jenkins, an open-source automation server, works with this by giving a stage to define, plan, and execute such tasks consequently.

What Is Jenkins?

Jenkins is one of the most popular automation tools used worldwide for Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery. It is a free and open-source automation server that enables developers to build, integrate, and test the code automatically as soon as it is committed to the source repository.

Jenkins is a Release phase tool. It provides automated build, automated tests, and automated Continuous Integration Continuous Delivery , ability to install Jenkins Locally, plugins etc….

Primary Terminologies Related To Application Build Using Jenkins

How To Build Python Application Using Jenkins: A Step-By-Step Guide

Step 1: Launch An Instance

Step 2: Connect To Instance Using SSH

ssh -i "key-pair" ec2-user@publicIPaddress

Step 3: Install Git In Instance

sudo yum -y install git

Step-4: Install Java Software

sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo \
sudo rpm --import
sudo yum upgrade
# Add required dependencies for the jenkins package
$ sudo yum -y install java-17*
sudo yum install jenkins
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start jenkins
sudo systemctl enable jenkins
sudo systemctl status jenkins

Step 6: Login To Jenkins Server

Step 7: Create A Jenkins Job

Note: If the Repository is public, we can clone the repository without giving any credentials. If the repository is private, we have give GitHub credentials. i.e. PAT (Personal Access Token)

Step 8: Steps To Create Password Authentication ( Optional )

Step 9: Save Created Job And Build It

Step 10: Now, copy and Paste the Public Ip of the instance along with port 2000 to see application hosted.


By utilizing Jenkins pipelines and jobs, designers can initiate work processes that flawlessly coordinate with version control systems, automate testing processes, and guarantee dependable conditions.

By embracing Jenkins for building Python applications, groups can accomplish more reliability, efficiency, and versatility/scalability in their development processes. All in all, building a Python application using Jenkins offers a smoothed out and automated way to deal with programming development, testing, and deploying.

Build Python Application In Jenkins – FAQ’s

Can Jenkins Build Non-python Applications?

Indeed, Jenkins upholds building applications written in different programming languages, including Java, JavaScript, Ruby, Go, and then so on. It is language-skeptic and can be adjusted to help different toolchains and development environments.

Can Jenkins Build Applications In Languages Other Than Python?

Indeed, Jenkins upholds building applications written in different programming languages, including Java, JavaScript, Ruby, Go, and then so on. It is language-skeptic and can be adjusted to help different toolchains and development environments.

What Is Jenkins?

Jenkins is a Release phase tool. It provides automated build, automated tests and automated Continuous Integration Continuous Delivery , ability to install Jenkins Locally, plugins etc…

How Does Jenkins Coordinate With Rendition Control Frameworks?

Jenkins coordinates with form version control systems like Git, Bitbucket, and Subversion through modules. These modules empower Jenkins to screen vaults for changes and trigger forms naturally when new code is committed.

How Might I Troubleshoot The Build Failure In Jenkins For Python Applications?

Jenkins gives definite form logs and reports to help distinguish and troubleshoot the build failures. Users/Developers can look at error messages, stack follows, and test results to analyze issues and make essential changes in accordance with the build process.

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