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Bootstrap 5 Badges Positioned

Bootstrap5 Badges Positioned property is used to position the badge in the corner of the button or to make the link look more appealing. Below are the syntax and examples of Positioned Badges. We can use .top and .start classes to the vertical and horizontal positions of the element.

Badges Positioned Used Classes:

To position the element at the top-right, you need to set top-0 and start-100 along with the translate-middle attribute. You can change the numeric value to positioned as you want.


<button type="button" class="btn position-relative"> 
    <span class="badge position-absolute top|start-*"> 

Example 1: This example shows the count in the badge. This can be used to show the count of unread notifications. The absolute position is given to the badge and the position of the badge is adjusted to the right corner of the button.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link href=
          crossorigin="anonymous" />
        <h1 class="text-success">
        <h3 class="m-3">
            Bootstrap 5 Badges - Positioned
        <button type="button" 
                class="btn btn-success position-relative m-4">
            New Courses
            <span class="badge position-absolute top-0 
                         start-100 translate-middle rounded-pill 
                <span class="visually-hidden">
                    Notifications of newly launched courses


Bootstrap 5 Badges Positioned

Example 2: This is an example of the generic indicator, in which the button color is changed and a rounded border is applied.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link href=
          crossorigin="anonymous" />
        <h1 class="text-success">
            Bootstrap 5 Badges - Positioned
        <button type="button" 
                class="btn btn-primary position-relative m-3">
            New Courses
            <span class="position-absolute top-0 start-100 
                         translate-middle p-2 rounded-pill 
                         bg-danger border border-light 
                         rounded-circle badge">
                <span class="visually-hidden">
                    Notifications of newly launched courses




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