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Blinkit Interview Experience For SDE Internship

Round 1:

The interviewer didn’t care about my intro he had opened my resume and just read my experience I was doing an internship in a reputable startup in their sector itself so he was more interested in that.

So he asked me to describe my experience.

Most of those were like from the topic: Group-by, Inner Join, Count, If Else, EQUALS.

It had 3 Questions of Query, and solving all of them was compulsory for me If I didn’t write them correctly I would be rejected.

There were around 20 minutes left he asked me to open my terminal and start coding a DSA problem, I knew doing it fast and then only I could clear the round I skipped the brute force waali backchodi sidha and moved to the optimized one.

Problem Statement:

Imagine that you want to schedule a meeting of a certain duration with a co-worker. You have access to your calendar and your co-worker’s calendar (both of which contain your respective meetings for the day, in the form of [startTime, endTime]), as well as both of your daily bounds (i.e., the earliest and latest times at which you’re available for meetings every day, in the form of [earliestTime, latestTime]). Write a function that takes in your calendar, your daily bounds, your co-worker’s calendar, your co-worker’s daily bounds, and the duration of the meeting that you want to schedule, and that returns a list of all the time blocks (in the form of [startTime, endTime]) during which you could schedule the meeting, ordered from earliest time block to latest.

Note that times will be given and should be returned in military time.

For example:

8.30, 9:01, 23:56


calendar1 = [[‘9:00′, ’10:30’], [‘noon’, ’13:00′], [’16:00′, ’18:00′]]

dailyBounds1 = [‘9:00′, ’20:00’]

calendar2 = [[’10:00′, ’11:30′], [’12:30′, ’14:30′], [’14:30′, ’15:00′], [’16:00′, ’17:00′]]

dailyBounds2 = [’10:00′, ’18:30′]

meeting duration = 30


[[’11:30′, ‘noon’], [’15:00′, ’16:00′], [’18:00′, ’18:30′]]

I made my approach to the interviewer clear and as I knew the time was running out, I made sure to make him through the test case, He got the gist and asked me to code it down quickly around 10 minutes were left.

I coded it and before seeing the code he asked me why do we write “using namespace std” above the C++ program.

Then asked me to stop and then asked if I had any questions and left.


Round 2:

Problem-Solving and DSA(Title of the GMeet Interview)

Pre-Mindset of the Interview: Ye tho ekdum full DSA round hoga 2 question dega or bs solve kro complexity btaoo and done and dusted, But as every interviewer always surprises u so he also did:

As the previous interviewer told me you sound good in DSA already let’s not do the traditional way of problem-solving round.

I will give u a theme or a scenario and u need to get the problem statement from my scenario design a class-based approach write the logic for implementing this feature:

He said to look at your browser tab and see there is a back button cursor, there is a forward button cursor and there is a new tab URL where if u write the URL in the tab it should open a new URL.

Now figure out all the testcases that are possible and what data structure will be used to implement this feature. Also, do the optimizations that can be done once I write the whole code?


  1. Think of this as an LLD round where you need to first see what DS to use, then define the class, methods, public methods, and private methods, at last covering the normal case and then moving to the edge case.
  2. Design the structure in a way you can handle all the cases making sure your code is clean and able to reduce redundancy and optimizations.
  3. Just keep writing and saying whatever u think as he is listening and try to write it as in this way only the interviewer can visualise what u are trying to see or explain to him.

I don’t want to write more about this question solution as it may vary for each one of you, and questions can arise based on that approach I had listed mine all.

At last, He also moved to my Dev part again :

Then the interview ended and finally, the interview ended.

Verdict :

Selected, and the HR called me and how early I joined the team

P.S: If u are thinking that these interview questions were quite hard for the intern expectation let me tell you high high-paying established startups have good levels of interviews not like Amazon, Microsoft, etc just fixed pattern questions. Stop following those standard influencers’ advice to just do 24×7 DSA cause baby you are in 2024 not in 2020-22.

Also, I had a pretty strong profile(Done 3 internships previously) as these questions came from my resume itself so this is normal for me.

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