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Blind Write in DBMS

Blind writing is like what its name suggests means writing data blindly in the database. This refers to a feature in the database in which the write operation of the database system can be performed without any confirmation or verification of existing data. This is highly suitable in work-heavy applications where write operations are performed very frequently. But because the data is not verified or checked before writing it can lead to complications such as data inconsistency and concurrency control.

In this article we will understand the workings of blind writing in the database and look at how it works, we will look at its advantages and disadvantages.

What is a Blind Write?

A blind write simply refers to a write operation on a database that does not first acquire locks on the data it is modifying. In a typical database system, before writing data, exclusive locks would be acquired to prevent other transactions from reading or writing the same data at the same time. This ensures the accuracy and consistency of the data. With a blind write, the data is written without taking those locks. This introduces a risk that another transaction may attempt to read or write the same data simultaneously. Software using blind writes must have mechanisms in place to deal with potential concurrency issues. However, avoiding locks can substantially speed up write performance in some high-volume use cases.

How Blind Writes Works?

No Locking on Write Operations

Multi-Version Concurrency Control

Asynchronous Lock Check

Eventual Consistency Model

Resolution Logic Required

Advantages of Blind Writes

There are two major advantages to using blind write capabilities in a database:

Disadvantages and Challenges of Blind Writes

Blind writes also come with some substantial downsides:

In essence, blind writes mean giving up atomicity and isolation, two key properties that allow databases to ensure state consistency. This trade off improves performance, but requires extra work by developers to handle concurrency issues and adds eventual consistency complexities.


Blind writes allow database management systems to improve write throughput and reduce latency dramatically compared to typical atomic, fully isolated transactions. This performance comes at the cost of weakened consistency guarantees and additional complexity to handle that. There are good use cases where giving up some consistency for performance makes sense, such as logging, metrics collection, or rapidly growing datasets like time series data. But blind writing introduces challenges that all teams evaluating the technology should thoroughly understand beforehand – it shifts the complexity from the database into the application code itself. When applied judiciously and with careful programming though, blind write capabilities provide one method for scaling database write capacity higher than traditional relational approaches allow.

Frequently Asked Questions on Blind Write – FAQs

Why use blind writes?

Blind writes significantly speed up write performance and throughput for databases. By skipping upfront locking, they greatly reduce write latency and allow far more write operations per second. This performance boost makes blind writing very useful for write-intensive applications.

When should blind writes be avoided?

Blind writes introduce eventual consistency, where reads may not reflect the latest writes for a period of time. Thus, they are inappropriate for databases that require strong data consistency guarantees. Applications doing mission-critical transactions or dealing with financial data should typically avoid using blind write capabilities.

What conflict handling is required when using blind writes?

The application must have robust error handling and retry mechanisms for failed write operations. Detecting conflicts between concurrent write attempts and properly re-applying changes requires thoughtful coding. Developers must handle more concurrency scenarios compared to databases that prevent dirty writes and lost updates.

Can blind writes lose data?

Yes, since locking is skipped, some blind write scenarios can lead to lost updates where a more recent data change overrides an earlier change, leading to permanent data loss. Careful handling of conflicts is required to prevent this.

Do blind writes affect data durability?

Potentially. If crashes occur during the window between a blind write and subsequent lock check, uncommitted and invalid changes can persist after recovery. Special journaling techniques may be required to ensure durability guarantees.

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