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Barclays Interview Experience for Software Engineer

In the second week of October 2022, Barclays came to my college for the position of Software Intern (Summer Internship). The recruitment process at Barclays typically consists of two rounds: Round 1, which is an online test, and Round 2, which is an interview.

Round 1: The Online Test

We had a two-hour window to complete the test, with 45 minutes allocated for the actual test. The test was divided into two parts: the first part consisted of multiple-choice questions (MCQs), and the second part was a coding test. The MCQ round included 30 questions covering various topics such as

The second part of the test was the coding section, which had 2 questions of easy to medium difficulty level unless you were unfortunate enough to receive questions on Graphs and Dynamic Programming (like some of my friends did!). In my case, the coding questions focused on string manipulation (strangely, I always seem to come across at least one question on this topic) and an array-based question. The test was conducted on the HackerEarth platform.

After completing the test, it took 2–3 days to receive the list of shortlisted students, and a total of 80 students from our college made it to the next round.

Round 2: The Interview Round

I had my interview on October 19, 2022, conducted online through Microsoft Teams, which lasted for approximately 30 minutes. One of the best things about Barclays is that they inform you about your panelist via email, allowing you to check their profile and prepare accordingly. In most cases, the panelist tends to be one of the company’s experienced Vice Presidents (VPs) with extensive experience.

My interviewer had a significant background in IT and possessed expertise in Software Project Management (Agile and Waterfall methodologies), Java, Spring Framework, SQL, Android, and various other areas. In addition to studying the core subjects of OOP, DSA, DBMS, and CNS, I also focused on these topics.

The interview began with a brief introduction about myself. Surprisingly, my interviewer did not ask me about my resume and immediately delved into the question portion. Here are the questions I was asked:

  1. Explain various data types along with examples.
  2. Discuss various data structures and their applications.
  3. Elaborate on the pillars of OOP with examples.
  4. Share my preferred programming languages (for which I chose Python) and then code on a notepad. I was asked to calculate the number of occurrences of a word in a paragraph (ignoring letter case) and modify the code to count the occurrences of each letter (another string manipulation problem!).
  5. Implement any pillar of OOP in any language I felt comfortable with (I opted for C++ this time).
  6. Answer two SQL queries, one of medium difficulty and another slightly tricky.
  7. Next, he asked me to mention one of my favorite subjects, to which I responded with TOC (Theory of Computation). I assumed that he wouldn’t inquire further about it, but to my surprise, he proceeded to ask about the topics covered in that subject and followed it up with a question related to regular expressions.

As I had mentioned my interest in the field of AI and ML during my introduction, he asked about a news article regarding Sophia, a robot, suggesting that robots might surpass humans based on an interview she was part of. I was asked to share my opinion on this matter, which caught me off guard.

Finally, I was given the opportunity to ask any questions I had for the interviewer, and I prepared two questions in advance, as this is always a must-ask question.

The interview concluded precisely after 30 minutes. Although I stumbled on one question I was happy with my overall performance and, it was truly a great experience.

The result of the interview was announced after a week or so, and I was elated to discover the news of my selection 🙂

Here are some tips I found helpful during my preparation:

One of the most crucial tips is to have patience. Prior to my experience with Barclays, I faced consecutive rejections in the initial rounds of 4–5 companies. Despite these setbacks, I maintained confidence in myself. It’s important to believe in your abilities. Internship and placement drives can be overwhelming for students, but stay focused on your preparation and give it your utmost effort. With determination, you will undoubtedly secure a position at your dream company. Wishing you all the best! 🙂

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