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AWS Elastic IP Addresses

Pre-requisite: AWS

A Static IPv4 address more suited for dynamic cloud computing is called an Elastic IP (EIP) address. These IPs are mostly used to hide instances or software from your AWS account that fail. The address is mapped to another instance that is as soon as feasible made available in your account in order to accomplish this. Your AWS account receives an IP address automatically, and until you choose to surrender it, it is yours. As an alternative, you can add the IP to a DNS record for your domain. Making sure the supplied domain points to your instance using this will do that.

The internet can be used to access this address just like any other public IPv4 address. If your instance lacks a public IPv4 address that allows communication from the internet to the instance, you can associate this IP address with it. The AWS EIP does not currently support IPv6 addresses.

Elastic Pricing for IP Addresses

In order to ensure that the offered IP addresses are utilized effectively, AWS imposes a small, hourly fee. A business must meet a few requirements in order to obtain the price charges. These are what they are:

Elastic IP addresses are weirdly priced by Amazon: There is no cost associated with utilizing them; they are totally free. For unused Elastic IP addresses, on the other hand, which are addresses that aren’t actively assigned to running instances, Amazon charges $.005 per hour. Because Elastic IP addresses are scarce resources, this method encourages users to use them when they request them. Request only as many Elastic IP addresses as you require, and release any extras back to AWS if not needed.

Elastic IP Addresses and the AWS Network’s Reach

Working of AWS Elastic IP

The working of AWS Elastic IP can be explained in the following manner:

1. Allocate an Elastic IP Address: It is easy to assign an IP address to your account. Your IP address may be assigned using either the pool of IP addresses offered by Amazon or the private IP address pool you have added to your account.

There are the following options for the Public IPv4 address pool:

2. Describe your Elastic IP Address: In this step, one can view all the metadata of the Elastic IP Address by visiting the View Information Portal. Here the metadata includes the name, descriptions, port numbers assigned, and other necessary details.

3. Tag an Elastic IP Address: You can use tags to distinguish between your IP addresses in case you have created multiple IP addresses. 

4. Connect or Disconnect an Elastic IP address from a Network Interface or Instance

5. Release an Elastic IP Address: We advise releasing an Elastic IP address via one of the following procedures if you no longer require it. The IP that needs to be released cannot currently be connected to any EC2 instance, NAT gateway, or Network Load Balancer on AWS.

Features of AWS Elastic IP

Limitation of Elastic IP

Elastic IP is easy to use, but it has several drawbacks.


I hope this blog has helped you better understand AWS Elastic IPs. In the near future, there will be many job openings worldwide in the field of cloud computing. Therefore, it is up to you to seize the chance, gain expertise in the cloud, and make more than you would in other IT positions.

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