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AWS DynamoDB – Working with Scans

Amazon DynamoDB is NoSQL managed database that stores semi-structured data like key-value pairs and document data. When creating tables in DynamoDB, no schema structure is required but only a partition key (primary key) is required. DynamoDB tables stores data in form of items and each item consists of attributes that are nothing but key-value pairs. To differentiate between items, the partition key is defined.

  "MovieID": 101,
  "Name": "The Shawshank Redemption",
  "Rating": 9.2,
  "Year": 1994

In this article, we will discuss how to scan items in a table. A scan operation in Amazon DynamoDB reads every item in a table. By default, a Scan operation returns all the items present in the table. Scan always returns a result set. If no matching records are found the result set is empty. A maximum of 1 MB can be retrieved in a scan operation. For scanning data items, we have many features provided by Amazon DynamoDB. The approach to scan data items is given below:

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