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Avoid Bugs Using Modern C++

C++ has more constructs that can cause undefined behavior or exceptions as compared to languages like Java and Python. This is because C++ was developed with a primary objective to include classes in C and hence, support bug-inviting features such as pointers, macros, etc. It is also devoid of tools such as garbage collection, bound checking, etc. which helps to minimize the errors.

In this article, we will learn how to avoid bugs using modern C++.

How to Avoid Bugs Using Modern C++?

To avoid bugs in modern C++ code, you can follow certain practices and make use of the language features and libraries available. Here are some tips to help you write bug-free code in modern C++:

1. Use Modern C++ Features

Take advantage of the modern C++ features like smart pointers (std::unique_ptr, std::shared_ptr) instead of the raw pointers range-based for the loops, auto type inference, and nullptr instead of NULL. These features provide better safety and reduce common bugs like memory leaks and type mismatches.

2. Prefer Standard Library Containers and Algorithms

The Instead of using the raw arrays or creating custom containers, use the containers provided by the C++ Standard Library. They provide convenient and reliable ways to the handle data, minimizing errors and improving code readability. Similarly, utilize the algorithms provided by the Standard Library (std::find, std::sort, etc.) to the avoid reinventing the wheel and improve code correctness.

3. Avoid Manual Memory Management

Use smart pointers (std::unique_ptr, std::shared_ptr) and standard containers to the handle dynamic memory allocation and deallocation. These abstractions handle resource management automatically reducing the chances of the memory leaks and dangling pointers.

4. Enable Compiler Warnings and Static Analysis Tools

The Enable and pay attention to the compiler warnings to catch potential issues during compilation. Additionally, utilize static analysis tools like Clang-Tidy or PVS-Studio to the detect bugs, potential performance issues and code smells in the your codebase.

5. Use RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization)

The Employ RAII to ensure that resources are properly managed and released. RAII ties resource acquisition (e.g., opening a file) to the object initialization and resource release (e.g. closing the file) to the object destruction. By utilizing RAII you can avoid resource leaks and ensure timely cleanup.

6. Write and Run Unit Tests

to Write comprehensive unit tests to the cover different scenarios and edge cases in your code. Automated tests help catch bugs early and ensure that changes or updates don’t introduce regressions. Utilize testing frameworks like Catch2 or Google Test to the simplify test writing and execution.

7. Follow Good Coding Practices

Adhere to good coding practices such as writing modular and reusable code using meaningful variable and function names applying proper indentation and formatting and adding comments where necessary. These practices enhance code readability reduce complexity and make debugging easier.

8. Be Aware of Common Pitfalls

Familiarize yourself with common C++ pitfalls like undefined behavior memory aliasing issues narrowing conversions and order of the evaluation. Being aware of these pitfalls can help you avoid bugs caused by the subtle language behaviors.

9. Read and Understand the C++ Standard

Stay updated with the latest C++ standards (C++11, C++14, C++17, C++20, etc.) and understand the language changes and additions. Having a good understanding of language and its standard can help you write safer and more robust code.


Although, C++ is associated with more bugs than other languages, it is still a powerful language that has its unique features and advantages. By being careful of these errors while coding and making use of constantly updating modern C++ features, we can leverage the full potential of the C++ and write better code.

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