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Article Writing Format: Objective and Steps

Writing is an art, and you might want to write like your favorite authors. To share your thoughts by writing. It can be a book, journal, article, blog, or online post. Writing might seem hard at first, but with the right guidance, anyone can learn. Basic writing skills and topic knowledge are all you need.

Therefore, for your help, we have written this article where you will be given knowledge about the article writing format and tips. But before moving further, let us know what is article writing.

What is Article Writing?

Article writing spreads information and influences readers. It covers various topics, aiming to be published in newspapers, magazines, or online. It’s about sharing facts and interests on a subject with a clear purpose.

Types of Article Writing

Since now you’ve understood the basics of article writing, it’s time to move ahead to discuss the types of article writing that do exist. Let’s check them out:

1. Expository Article

As the name suggests it is the type of article that exposes facts and educates and explains readers about the topic very intensely. This is the most common type of article writing and allows the writer to influence a large audience.

2. Argumentative Article 

In this genre of writing the person requires to investigate a problem or an issue thoroughly and collect relevant data before penning it down in the form of an article. In this type of article, all the important things are mentioned together in a concise manner.

3. Narrative Article 

It is just like a story, where the narrator explains every bit of the information in a very detailed form. It is a lengthy form of article writing but is liked by audiences due to its detailed version

4. Descriptive Article

The aim of this type of descriptive writing is to provide a vivid description where the reader can visualize the things on their own. here the writer creates new ways to address an issue and create a new way of studying it.

5. Persuasive Article

In this form of article writing the writer tries to perceive the point of view of the reader and try to appeal a topic in a more dramatic as well as factual way.

Article Writing Format

To write a good article, use a clear structure and engaging style. Start with an interesting title and introduction. Divide the main content into sections and summarize in the end. Know your audience, do research, and keep it simple.

1. Title

An interesting title is crucial in article writing as it grabs the reader’s attention and encourages them to read further. It seperates your articles being Read or Overlooked. A compelling title is the first step in engaging your audience and conveying the article’s significance.

for example: “The Future of Artificial Intelligence : Death or Alive?”. This title is very captivating and attention grabbing.

2. Byline

Now comes the second part, which is a byline, that appears below the title and contains the name of the author. This section helps the writer to get credit for the piece which he/she has written.

2. Introduction

The introductory paragraph is important as it provides a preview of the article’s content, making them decide whether to read further. It is a gateway to your article

3. Body

This is the major portion of the article that creates the complete soul, where the writer explains their thoughts. It consists of 5-6 paragraphs, each explaining the matter appropriately.

The body consists of different elements:

Lets learn what and why are these elements formed and you should use them into your article.

Note: The headline must be snappy, short, crips and of only 5-6 words as long ones create disinterest in the first stage only.

Note: Asking a question in the concluding paragraph can be beneficial for reader engagement, but it’s not essential and depends on the article’s context and goals

Checklist to Write an Effective Article

Before you start writing any article, first you must consider starting from scratch i.e. the requirement, the style, the tone, the targeted audience, the niche, etc. Now, we will be discussing the same one by one.

1. Find the Target Audience

2. Choose the Topic

3. Extensive Research

4. Simple Language:

5. Visuals:

6. Proofread

7. Expert Quotes

Article Writing Career opportunity

Article writing is a promising career in newspapers, magazines, or online platforms. Writers inform and influence, using storytelling and research skills for personal and professional growth.

You can also start writing for GeeksforGeeks, visit GBlog page to know, how to start writing at GeeksforGeeks.

Must Check:


Hence, written above is the proper article writing format that can be used by a beginner to write down their thoughts in an effective manner. However, article writing is not a tough task and anyone can do it if they have the willingness to do so. If you are one of them, then go ahead and start wring the type of article you like.

FAQs on Article Writing Format

What is the format of article writing?

The article writing consists of three important things:

  • Headline
  • Byline
  • Body

What are the tips to write a good article?

The tips to write a good article are as follows:

  • The topic must be unique and relevant
  • Research well before writing
  • The title must be short and crisp
  • Use proper keywords to catch the attention
  • Write a clear ending
  • Avoid the reputation of ideas within the article

What makes a great article?

A good article is something that has a clear understanding of the topic with thorough research and a proper structure. The complete article must be written in understandable language so that the target audience reading it can relate to it easily.

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