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Arrays.binarySearch() in Java with examples | Set 2 (Search in subarray)

Arrays.binarySearch()| Set 1 Covers how to find an element in a sorted array in Java. This set will cover “How to Search a key in an array within a given range including only start index”.

Syntax :  

public static int binarySearch(data_type[] arr, int fromIndex, int toIndex, data_type key)

Parameters :

arr – the array to be searched

fromIndex – the index of the first element (inclusive) to be searched

toIndex – the index of the last element (exclusive) to be searched

 key  – the value to be searched for 

Returns : 
Index of the specified key is found within the specified range in the specified array, Otherwise (-(insertion point) – 1). 

The insertion point is defined as a point at which the specified key would be inserted: the index of the first element in the range greater than the key, or toIndex if all elements in the range are less than the specified key. 
Note: This guarantees that the return value will be >= 0 if and only if the key is found.


   byteArr[] = {10,20,15,22,35}

   key = 22 to be searched between the range 2 to 4 in specified array.

   Output: 3

   charArr[] = {‘g’,’p’,’q’,’c’,’i’}

   key = p to be searched between the range 1 to 4 in specified array.

   Output: 3

   intArr[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6}

   key = 3 to be searched between the range 1 to 4 in specified array.

   Output: 2

   doubleArr[] = {10.2,1.51,2.2,3.5}

   key = 1.5 to be searched between the range 1 to 4 in specified array.

   Output: -2 as it is the insertion point of 1.5

   floatArr[] = {10.2f,15.1f,2.2f,3.5f}

   key = 35.0 to be searched between the range 1 to 4 in specified array.

   Output: -5

  shortArr[] = {10,20,15,22,35}

  key = 5 to be searched between the range 0 to 4 in specified array.

  Output: -1

Implementation :

// Java program to demonstrate working of  binarySearch()
// method for specified range in a sorted array.
import java.util.Arrays;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        byte byteArr[] = { 10, 20, 15, 22, 35 };
        char charArr[] = { 'g', 'p', 'q', 'c', 'i' };
        int intArr[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
        double doubleArr[] = { 10.2, 15.1, 2.2, 3.5 };
        float floatArr[] = { 10.2f, 15.1f, 2.2f, 3.5f };
        short shortArr[] = { 10, 20, 15, 22, 35 };
        byte byteKey = 22;
        char charKey = 'p';
        int intKey = 3;
        double doubleKey = 1.5;
        float floatKey = 35;
        short shortKey = 5;
            byteKey + " found at index = "
            + Arrays.binarySearch(byteArr, 2, 4, byteKey));
            charKey + " found at index = "
            + Arrays.binarySearch(charArr, 1, 4, charKey));
            intKey + " found at index = "
            + Arrays.binarySearch(intArr, 1, 4, intKey));
        System.out.println(doubleKey + " found at index = "
                           + Arrays.binarySearch(
                               doubleArr, 1, 4, doubleKey));
        System.out.println(floatKey + " found at index = "
                           + Arrays.binarySearch(
                               floatArr, 1, 4, floatKey));
        System.out.println(shortKey + " found at index = "
                           + Arrays.binarySearch(
                               shortArr, 0, 4, shortKey));

22 found at index = 3
p found at index = 3
3 found at index = 2
1.5 found at index = -2
35.0 found at index = -5
5 found at index = -1

Complexity Analysis:

Time Complexity:
The time complexity of the binarySearch() method in the Arrays class is O(log n) for searching within a specified range. In the given code, the binarySearch() method is called six times, each time with a different array and a different range of elements. Therefore, the time complexity of the entire code would be O(log n) * 6, which can be simplified to O(log n).

Auxiliary Space:
The binarySearch() method does not use any additional space. Therefore, the auxiliary space complexity of the code is O(1).

Exceptions :  

  1. IllegalArgumentException : throws when starting index(fromIndex) is greater than the end index(toIndex) of specified range.(means: fromIndex > toIndex)
  2. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException : throws if one or both index are not valid means fromIndex<0 or toIndex > arr.length.

Important Points:  

Reference :[],%20int)

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