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Are 6 and 8 Coprime?

Coprime numbers, also known as relatively prime or mutually prime numbers, are two or more integers that share no common positive integer factors other than 1. In other words, their Highest Common Factor (HCF) is 1,

Answer: No, 6 and 8 are not coprimes.

To determine if two numbers are coprime, we need to check if their HCF is 1. In this case:

HCF(6, 8) = 2

Since the HCF of 6 and 8 is 2 (greater than 1), they are not coprime.

In content related to coprime numbers, it’s essential to provide a clear definition of coprime or relatively prime numbers, which are numbers that have a GCD of 1. You can use high-volume keywords like “coprime numbers,” “relatively prime,” and “GCD of numbers” to optimize your content for search engines.

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