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Abstract data types, Applications, Advantages and Disadvantages of Circular Queue

Circular Queue is a linear data structure that follows FIFO (first in first out) principle which means the item that is inserted first in the queue can be taken out first.  It is also known as circular/ring buffer because the last position of the queue is circled back and connected with the first element thereby, forming a circular structure.

Sample Circular Queue

Abstaract Datatypes of  Circular Queue:

The following are the operations that can be performed on a circular queue.

1. enQueue():

enQueue is used to insert an item in the Queue. The new item will be inserted from the rear only if there is some space available in the queue. This operation take O(1) time.

2. deQueue():

deQueue is used for deleting an item from the queue. An item will be deleted from the front of a Queue only if there is atleast one item in the queue. It’s time complexity is constant i.e O(1).

If the Queue is empty it returns -1 in Array implementation and NULL in Linked List representation.

3. front():

front() is used to retrieve the starting element of the queue. It’s time complexity is constant.

If the Queue is empty it returns -1 in Array implementation and NULL in Linked List representation.

4. rear():

rear() is used to retrieve the last element of the queue. This operation takes O(1) time complexity.

If the Queue is empty it returns -1 in Array implementation and NULL in Linked List representation.

For more details about the operations and their implementation please refer to the article about “Circular Queue

Applications of Circular Queue:

Real-time Applications of Circular Queue:

Advantages of Circular Queue:

Disadvantages of Circular Queue:

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