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Airbus Interview Experience for Associate System Engineer (Off-Campus) 2023

Airbus conducted “Aerothon5.0” on HackerEarth for 0-10 years of experienced candidates, offering various roles. They were hiring for the Bangalore location and the process has 3 rounds.

Round 1 (Online Coding – 3hr):

This round is based on HackerEarth, consisting of 3 medium to medium-hard-level DSA questions, focusing on dynamic programming on graphs, a 2-pointer approach, and a string-based question. It had the highest weightage among all others.

  1. Additionally, 3 challenging SQL queries centered around join operations are also there. This had less weightage than the DSA questions.
  2. Around 15-20 MCQ questions covering essential topics like CS, CN, DBMS, and OS .
  3. It was an eliminator round based on the final score.

Round 2(Hackathon):

This was a hackathon where selected candidates formed teams of 3-5 members.

Each team received one problem statement one day before the hackathon to prepare their solutions.

On the actual hackathon day, judges evaluated the teams’ solutions.

Round 3 (Technical Interview – 45 mins) :

Round 4 (Tech+ HR Interview – 25 mins) :

The result was declared after 15 days.

Verdict: Selected

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