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Accolite Digital Interview Experience for Java Developer | 4 Years Experienced

Round 1(Online Test): MCQ’s

Round 2

Round 3:

  1. What are the design principals and design patterns?
  2. Talk about facade design pattern.
  3. Difference between Callable vs Runnable.
  4. What does callable interface return?(java.util.concurrent.Future Object).
  5. What is cloning and difference between deep cloning and shallow cloning.
  6. What r the difference between JDK 8 and JDK11
  7. How hashMap works? what r the collision-removing techniqes. What r the disadvantages of quadratic probing? When hashpmap uses LinkedList and Binary search tree? What is TREEIFY_THRESHOLD and what’s its initial size?
  8. What are the methods in Object class and its functiong?
  9. Memory Management in java( when if uses stack, heap etc.)
  10. Can we create customError class?
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