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Access the Index and Value using Python ‘For’ Loop

In this article, we will get to know how to access an index value in a for loop in Python. There are many ways to access an index value in a for loop in Python but we will be studying mainly four of them using a for loop. Python programming language supports the different types of loops, the loops can be executed in different ways.

Access Index Value in a For Loop in Python

Below are some of the examples by which we can access the index value in Python:

Python Access Index & Value Using range() Function

In this method, we are using the range() function to generate indices and access values in a list by their position.

# create a list of fruits
fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange']
print("Indices and Index value :"
# Iterate over the indices of the list and access elements using indices
for i in range(len(fruits)):
    print(f"Index: {i}, Value: {fruits[i]}")


Indices and Index value :
Index: 0, Value: apple
Index: 1, Value: banana
Index: 2, Value: orange

Access Index and Value Using enumerate() in Python

In this method, we are using enumerate() in for loops to get the index value over the given range.

# Method 2: Using enumerate
fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange']
print("Indices and values in list:"
# Use enumerate to get both index and value in the loop
for i,fruit  in enumerate(fruits):
    print(f"Index: {i}, value: {fruit}")

Indices and values in list:
Index: 0, value: apple
Index: 1, value: banana
Index: 2, value: orange

Python Access Index Value Using zip()

The zip() method in Python is used to zip the index and values at a time, we have to pass two lists one list is of index elements and another list is of values. 

# Method 3: Using zip 
# create a index list that stores list 
indexlist = [0, 1, 2, 3
# create a list of fruits
fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange']
print("index and values in list:"
# get the values from indices  using zip method 
for index, value in zip(indexlist, fruits): 
    print(index, value) 

index and values in list:
0 apple
1 banana
2 orange

Access Index with Value Using itertools in Python

We can also use count from itertools along with zip() to achieve a similar effect. In this example, we have used itertools to access the index value in a for loop.

from itertools import count
# Sample list
fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange']
# Create an iterator that produces consecutive integers starting from 0
index_counter = count()
# Use zip to combine the index_counter with the list elements
for i, fruit in zip(index_counter, fruits):
    print(f"Index: {i}, Value: {fruit}")

Index: 0, Value: apple
Index: 1, Value: banana
Index: 2, Value: orange

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