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Accenture Interview Experience (Off-Campus)

I applied for the Application Developer role on their website. After 1 Month they have scheduled a Cognitive and Technical Assessment Round. For that particular Round, you will receive the result within 5 minutes. Selected candidates will undergo a Coding Exam which contains 2 coding questions with moderate level difficulty. The one who executes both the programs will shortlist for further Rounds. After coding there will be Communication Assessment where they will check your fluency and etc. Once you are done with the communication assessment later within a few days you will receive an e-mail to schedule your Virtual interview with Accenture. The interview contains more technical questions related to your resume and skillsets.

Round 1:Cognitive and Technical Assessment: It contains questions from quants, reasoning, and technical questions like networking, operating systems, and cloud computing.

Round 2: Coding Round: There were two coding questions of moderate level. One question was based on loops and one question was based on arrays.

Round 3: Communicative Assessment: Mostly in this round we had to read the given sentences. This was not an elimination round though, while the previous two were.

Round 4: Final Interview Round: Duration (20-30 mins)


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