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__has_include in C++17

The __has_include is a special operator to work with preprocessor directives that allow you to check if a particular header file is available for inclusion in your program. It is a conditional compilation feature introduced in C++17 that helps you write portable code that can handle different environments or platforms.


#if __has_include(<header_file>)
// Code to be executed if <header_file> is available
// Code to be executed if <header_file> is not available


If the header file is available, the expression evaluates to 1, otherwise, it evaluates to 0.


Here’s an example to show how you can use __has_include:

#if __has_include(<iostream>)
// The <iostream> header is available
#include <iostream>
// The <iostream> header is not available
// Handle the absence of <iostream> here

In the above example, the code checks if the <iostream> header file is available. If it is, the code includes <iostream> and proceeds with using its functionality. Otherwise, it can take an alternative path to handle the absence of <iostream>.


The below C++ code checks for the availability of the <vector> header file using the __has_include macro.

// C++ code that demonstrates the
// usage of __has_include macro
#include <iostream>
// checking if <vector> is available
#if __has_include(<vector>)
#include <vector>
#error The file is not available
using namespace std;
int main()
    cout << "The <vector> file is available";
    return 0;

The <vector> file is available


In this example, the code checks if the <vector> header file is available using __has_include. If it is available, it proceeds with using its functionality. It also prints a message to indicate whether the header is available or not. If <vector> is not available, you can provide an alternative code or error handling in the else block.

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