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10 Common Signs of Child Abuse : What to Look For

Child abuse is a huge dent in society as it impacts millions of children across the globe. Identifying the abuse signals is something that must be done so that early treatment and avoidance are possible. Though some signs might be hidden, aspiring vigilance helps avoid abuse from impacting helpless children.

10 Common Signs of Child Abuse

Here are 10 common signs of child abuse that everyone should be aware of:

1. Unexplained Injuries

2. Changes in Behavior

3. Poor Performance in School

4. Unexplained Fear

5. Inappropriate Sexual Behavior

6. Self-Harm or Suicidal Tendencies

7. Regression

8. Unexplained Physical Ailments

9. Changes in Eating Habits

10. Lack of Hygiene or Inappropriate Clothing


It is important that we keep this in mind signs by themselves do not exhibit abuse, but rather it can occur from other factors. On the other hand, if you find any of these signs appear together or if a voice inside of you says something is not right, you should not hesitate to act. Making such reports of child abuse to the proper agencies, like child protection service or the police assists in reassuring that children receive the support and protection they need.

Note: The information provided is sourced from various websites and collected data; if discrepancies are identified, kindly reach out to us through comments for prompt correction.

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