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August 31, 2022 |2.5K Views
C++ Program to find Area & Circumference of Circle

In this video, we will see how to write a C++ program to find the area & circumference of a circle.

Area of Circle and Circumference:

The area of a circle can simply be calculated using the following formula. i.e Area = pi*r*r. where r is the radius of a circle.

Here, using the given radius, we will find the area and print the result.

So the Time Complexity and Space Complexity of the area of the circle will be O(1).

Now, the circumference of a circle is often defined as the distance around the circle. 
The formula for circumference of a circle is:

Circumference = 2*pi*r, where r is the radius of the circle and the value of pi = 3.1415.

So the Time Complexity and Space Complexity: O(1).

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