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Jamia Hamdard

New Delhi

Registered Geeks:  1185

Jamia Hamdard is a prestigious institution located in the heart of New Delhi, India. Since its inception, Jamia Hamdard has been a beacon of excellence in education and research, committed to nurturing talents, fostering innovation, and contributing to the advancement of knowledge in various fields.


Jamia Hamdard has garnered numerous accolades for its commitment to academic excellence, research output, and contributions to society. Our dedication to holistic education and community engagement has been recognized both nationally and internationally.

NIRF Ranking 2023

In the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) 2023, Jamia Hamdard has secured a prominent position, underscoring our commitment to providing quality education, promoting research, and maintaining high institutional standards.

Global Focus

With a strong global focus, Jamia Hamdard emphasizes international collaborations, exchange programs, and research initiatives. We believe in preparing our students to navigate the global landscape, and our partnerships with renowned institutions contribute to a diverse and enriching educational experience.

Placement Record (2023)

Jamia Hamdard takes pride in its placement record for the year 2023, showcasing the success of our graduates in various professional domains. Our industry-aligned curriculum, practical training, and strong industry connections ensure that our students are well-prepared for successful careers.


Situated in New Delhi, our campus boasts modern infrastructure and state-of-the-art facilities. Well-equipped classrooms, laboratories, research centres, and a vibrant campus atmosphere create an environment conducive to learning, research, and personal development.


Jamia Hamdard offers a diverse range of courses and programs across multiple disciplines, including medicine, pharmacy, science, and management. Our curriculum is designed to blend traditional knowledge with contemporary advancements, providing students with a well-rounded education.

Admission Process

The admission process at Jamia Hamdard is designed to attract individuals with a passion for learning, innovation, and a commitment to making a positive impact on society. Our transparent and merit-based admission process ensures that deserving candidates are allowed to be part of our academic community.


Jamia Hamdard's vibrant campus life is enriched by a variety of festivals and events that celebrate diversity, creativity, and academic excellence. These events provide students with opportunities to showcase their talents, engage in cultural exchange, and build a strong sense of community within the institute.

As you explore Jamia Hamdard, you will discover a place where tradition meets modernity, and where education is not just a pursuit but a transformative journey. Join us in shaping the future of knowledge and making a positive impact on society.