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May 22, 2022 |9.6K Views
ToDo List Application in Django
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What is a ToDo List, exactly? It's a list of things you wish to do or chores you need to do.
With the advancement of technology, we can now make to-do lists using excel spreadsheets, word documents, email lists, todo list applications, Microsoft to do, and Google to-do lists, to mention a few.

So in this video, we are going to make our own TODO App using Django.

Django is a high-level Python Web framework based web framework that allows rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. today we will create a todo app created to understand the basics of Django. In this web app, one can create notes like Google Keep or Evernote.

We will follow these steps to create Todo apps:

1. Creating Virtual  Environment for Django.
2. Designing To-Do Data
3. Create the Django Views
4. Create and Update Model Objects in Django
5. Design Delete To-Do Lists and Item

Create ToDo app in Django: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-todo-webapp-using-django/

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