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May 28, 2022 |28.6K Views
Difference between Multiprogramming, Multitasking and Multiprocessing
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In this video, we will be covering the differences between Multiprogramming, Multitasking & Multiprocessing Operating System

1) Multiprogramming Operating System:

A Multiprogramming OS can execute multiple programs using a single CPU. It allows the CPU to switch from the current process to another process when the current process requires I/O while executing on the CPU. In a multiprogramming operating system, multiple programs can reside in the main memory at any time. However, the amount of time given to any process is not fixed.

The goal is to maximize CPU utilization by keeping the CPU busy as much as possible. For example Windows, macOS

Multiprogramming operating system is of two types:
1) Multi-tasking OS
2) Multi-user OS

2) Multitasking Operating System: Multitasking OS executes multiple processes by assigning a fixed amount of time (quantum) to each process present in the memory. Once the time quantum of a process expires, the next process in the queue is allotted to the CPU.

The CPU switches between different processes so quickly that it seems to the user that all the processes are executing simultaneously. For example Windows 95, and Windows NT. Multitasking OS is a type of Multiprogramming OS.

Multiprogramming OS performs context switching between processes. Whereas, Multitasking OS combines context
switching with time-sharing.

The multitasking operating system is of two types:
1) Pre-emptive Multitasking OS
2) Cooperative Multitasking OS

3) Multiprocessing Operating System: Multiprocessing OS includes multiple processors in a single computer. Computer resources (memory, I/O devices, system clock, etc.) are shared among all the processors. All processors work in parallel to speed up
the execution process. Multiprocessing OS can either execute multiple processes simultaneously or it can divide a single process among all the available processors. For example UNIX.

The multiprocessing operating system is of two types:
1) Symmetric Multiprocessing OS
2) Asymmetric Multiprocessing OS

Multiprogramming vs Multitasking vs Multiprocessing: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/difference-between-multitasking-multithreading-and-multiprocessing/

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