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December 02, 2021 |4.5K Views
Create a GUI to Extract Lyrics From Song Using Python
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As we know Python is a high programming language and supports huge communities worldwide, So we can find thousand of Modules, Packages, and API for Python to make our project easier ways. Python ​offers multiple options for developing a GUI Application one of the most popular libraries is Tkinter which makes it fast and easiest way to create GUI applications. In this Python project, we will create GUI Application to extract Lyrics from songs Using Python. For this, we will use Tkinter for making the GUI Interface, and to extract Lyrics we will use lyrics-extractor. You can install lyrics-extractor using pip commands. While making this project we will learn Tkinter functions like creating windows, frames, widgets, titles, labels, grids, text fields, taking inputs, buttons, and applying the event, and in the lyrics-extractor library, we will learn how to extract the lyrics. The other requirements of this project are API Key and Engine ID of Google Custom Search JSON API for creating and retrieving and displaying search results from Programmable Search Engine. You can get your id and API with the following websites: Engine ID: https://cse.google.com/cse/create/new API: https://developers.google.com/custom-search/v1/overview 

Related Article - https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/create-a-gui-to-extract-lyrics-from-song-using-python/

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