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std::string::find_first_not_of in C++

Last Updated : 11 Jul, 2017
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It searches the string for the first character that does not match any of the characters specified in its arguments. Here we will describe all syntaxes it holds.
Return value : Index of first unmatched character when successful or string::npos if no such character found.

Syntax 1: Search for the first character that is not an element of the string str.

size_type string::find_first_not_of (const string& str) const
str : Another string with the set of characters
to be used in the search.

// CPP code for find_first_not_of (const string& str) const
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Function to demonstrate find_first_not_of
void find_first_not_ofDemo(string str1, string str2)
    // Finds first character in str1 which
    // is not present in str2
    string::size_type ch = str1.find_first_not_of(str2);
    cout << "First unmatched character : ";
    cout << str1[ch];
// Driver code
int main()
    string str1("Hello World!");
    string str2("GeeksforGeeks");
    cout << "Original String : " << str1 << endl;
    cout << "String to be looked in : " << str2 << endl;
    find_first_not_ofDemo(str1, str2);
    return 0;


Original String : Hello World!
String to be looked in : GeeksforGeeks
First unmatched character : H

Syntax 2: Search for the first character from index idx that is not an element of the string str.

size_type string::find_first_not_of (const string& str, size_type idx) const
str : Another string with the set of characters
to be used in the search.
idx : is the index number from where we have to
start finding first unmatched character.

// CPP code for string::find_first_not_of
// (const string& str, size_type idx) const
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Function to demonstrate find_first_not_of
void find_first_not_ofDemo(string str1, string str2)
    // Finds first character in str1 from index 3 which
    // is not present in str2
    string::size_type ch = str1.find_first_not_of(str2, 3);
    cout << "First unmatched character : ";
    cout << str1[ch];
// Driver code
int main()
    string str1("geeKsforgeeks");
    string str2("GeeksforGeeks");
    cout << "Original String : " << str1 << endl;
    cout << "String to be looked in : " << str2 << endl;
    find_first_not_ofDemo(str1, str2);
    return 0;


Original String : geeKsforgeeks
String to be looked in : GeeksforGeeks
First unmatched character : K

Syntax 3: Searches for the first character that is or is not also an element of the C-string cstr.

size_type string::find_first_not_of (const char* cstr) const
cstr : Another C-string with the set of characters
to be used in the search.

Note that cstr may not be a null pointer (NULL).

// CPP code for string::find_first_not_of (const char* cstr) const
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Function to demonstrate find_first_not_of
void find_first_not_ofDemo(string str)
    // Finds first character in str which
    // is not present in "geeksforgeeks"
    string::size_type ch = str.find_first_not_of("geeksforgeeks");
    cout << "First unmatched character : ";
    cout << str[ch];
// Driver code
int main()
    string str("GeeksforGeeks");
    cout << "Original String : " << str << endl;
    return 0;


Original String : GeeksforGeeks
First unmatched character : G

Syntax 4: Search for the first character from index idx that is not an element of the C-string cstr

size_type string:: find_first_not_of (const char* cstr, size_type idx) const
cstr : Another string with the set of characters
to be used in the search.
idx : is the index number from where we have to
start finding first unmatched character.

Note that cstr may not be a null pointer (NULL).

// CPP code for size_type string:: find_first_not_of 
// (const char* cstr, size_type idx) const
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Function to demonstrate find_first_not_of
void find_first_not_ofDemo(string str)
    // Finds first character in str from 5th index which
    // is not present in "geeksforgeeks"
    string::size_type ch = str.find_first_not_of("geeksForgeeks", 5);
    cout << "First unmatched character : ";
    cout << str[ch];
// Driver code
int main()
    string str("GeeksforGeeks");
    cout << "Original String : " << str << endl;
    return 0;


Original String : GeeksforGeeks
First unmatched character : f

Syntax 5: Finds first character in str which is not equal to char c.

size_type string::find_first_not_of (char c) const
c Character c with which contents of str are required to be compared.

// CPP code for size_type string:: find_first_not_of (char c) const
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Function to demonstrate find_first_not_of
void find_first_not_ofDemo(string str)
    // Finds first character in str which
    // is not equal to character 'G'
    string::size_type ch = str.find_first_not_of('G');
    cout << "First unmatched character : ";
    cout << str[ch];
// Driver code
int main()
    string str("GeeksforGeeks");
    cout << "Original String : " << str << endl;
    return 0;


Original String : GeeksforGeeks
First unmatched character : e

Syntax 6: Finds first character in str from index idx which is not equal to char c.

size_type string::find_first_not_of (char c, size_type idx) const
c : Character c with which contents of str
are required to be compared.
idx :  index from where search of the first
unmatched character is to be started

// CPP code for size_type string::find_first_not_of 
// (char c, size_type idx) const
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Function to demonstrate find_first_not_of
void find_first_not_ofDemo(string str)
    // Finds first character in str from 6th index which
    // is not equal to character 'G'
    string::size_type ch = str.find_first_not_of('G', 6);
    cout << "First unmatched character : ";
    cout << str[ch];
// Driver code
int main()
    string str("GeeksforGeeks");
    cout << "Original String : " << str << endl;
    return 0;


Original String : GeeksforGeeks
First unmatched character : o

Syntax 7: Search for the first character that is also not an element of the chars_len characters of the character array chars, starting at index idx.

size_type string::find_first_not_of 
(const char* chars, size_type idx, size_type chars_len) const
*chars : is the character array with which 
searching of first unmatched is to be performed.
idx :  index number in string
chars_len : is the character length in 
*chars to be picked for searching purpose

// CPP code for size_type string::find_first_not_of 
// (const char* chars, size_type idx, size_type chars_len) const
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Function to demonstrate find_first_not_of
void find_first_not_ofDemo(string str)
    // Finds first character in str from 4th index which
    // is not equal to any of the first 3 characters from "svmnist"
    string::size_type ch = str.find_first_not_of("svmnist", 4, 3);
    cout << "First unmatched character : ";
    cout << str[ch];
// Driver code
int main()
    string str("GeeksforGeeks");
    cout << "Original String : " << str << endl;
    return 0;


Original String : GeeksforGeeks
First unmatched character : f

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