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Sorting Terminology

What is in-place sorting? An in-place sorting algorithm uses constant space for producing the output (modifies the given array only). It sorts the list only by modifying the order of the elements within the list. For example, Insertion Sort and Selection Sorts are in-place sorting algorithms as they do not use any additional space for sorting the list and a typical implementation of Merge Sort is not in-place, also the implementation for counting sort is not an in-place sorting algorithm. so the auxiliary space complexity of non-in-place sorting algorithms is increased by O(N) where N is the number of elements on which sorting has to be applied while for in-place algorithms it does not increase. To be more clear please try the below link:

Types Of Sorting :

  1. Internal Sorting
  2. External Sorting 

Sort Stability :

  1. Stable Sort
  2. Unstable Sort

 Internal Sorting :

External Sorting :

 What is stable sorting?

 What is Unstable sorting?

 See Stable Sorting Algorithms

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