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smatch | Regex (Regular Expressions) in C++

smatch is an instantiation of the match_results class template for matches on string objects. Functions that can be called using smatch: str(), position(), and length() member functions of the match_results object can be called to get the text that was matched, or the starting position and its length of the match relative to the subject string.

What is capturing group ? Examples: 

Suppose you create a regex object like : regex re("(geeks)(.*)") 
Here no of capturing group is = 2 
[ one is "geeks" and second is any character after "geeks" ].

regex re("a(b)c")
Here no of capturing group is = 1[ 'b' is the capturing group].
whatever within '(' and ')' braces is treated as capturing group.

Below is the program to show the working of smatch: 

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
    string sp("geeksforgeeks");
    regex re("(geeks)(.*)");
    // flag type for determining the matching behavior
    // && here it is for matches on strings.
    smatch match;
    // we can use member function on match
    // to extract the matched pattern.
    if (regex_search(sp, match, re) == true) {
        // The size() member function indicates the
        // number of capturing groups plus one for the overall match
        // match size = Number of capturing group + 1
        // (.*) which "forgeeks" ).
        cout << "Match size = " << match.size() << endl;
        // Capturing group is index from 0 to match_size -1
        // 0 to 2
        // pattern at index 0 is the overall match "geeksforgeeks"
        // pattern at index 1 is the first capturing group "geeks"
        // pattern at index 2 is the 2nd capturing group "forgeeks"
        cout << "Whole match : " << match.str(0) << endl;
        cout << "First capturing group is '" << match.str(1)
             << "' which is captured at index " << match.position(1)
             << endl;
        cout << "Second capturing group is '" << match.str(2)
             << "' which is captured at index " << match.position(2)
             << endl;
    else {
        cout << "No match is found" << endl;
    return 0;


Match size = 3
Whole match : geeksforgeeks
First capturing group is 'geeks' which is captured at index 0
Second capturing group is 'forgeeks' which is captured at index 5

Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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