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React Native StatusBar Component

Last Updated : 10 May, 2021
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The following approach covers how to control StatusBar in react-native. For this, we are going to use the StatusBar component. It is an interface at the top of the screen that displays the notification icons.



Props in StatusBar:

  • animated: If the transition between status bar property changes should be animated.
  • backgroundColor: It is the background color of the status bar. It is only for android devices.
  • barStyle: It sets the color of the status bar text.
  • hidden: It hides the status bar.
  • networkActivityIndicatorVisible: If the network activity indicator should be visible. It is only for IOS devices.
  • showHideTransition: The transition effect when showing and hiding the status bar using the hidden prop.
  • translucent: If true, then the app will draw under the status bar.

Methods in StatusBar:

  • popStackEntry(): It gets and removes the last StatusBar entry from the stack.
  • pushStackEntry(): It pushes a StatusBar entry onto the stack.
  • replaceStackEntry(): It replaces an existing StatusBar stack entry with new props.
  • setBackgroundColor(): It set the background color for the status bar. It is only available for android devices.
  • setBarStyle(): It set the status bar style.
  • setHidden(): It shows or hides the status bar.
  • setNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible(): It controls the visibility of the network activity indicator. It is only available for IOS devices.
  • setTranslucent(): It controls the translucency of the status bar.

Now let’s start with the implementation:

  • Step 1: Open your terminal and install expo-cli by the following command.

    npm install -g expo-cli
  • Step 2: Now create a project by the following command.

    expo init myapp
  • Step 3: Now go into your project folder i.e. myapp

    cd myapp

Project Structure: It will look like the following.

Example: Now let’s implement the StatusBar. Here we created two buttons, the first button hides the status bar and the second button change’s the style of the status bar.



import React , {useState} from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, View , Button , StatusBar } from 'react-native';
const STYLE = ['default', 'dark-content', 'light-content'];
export default function App() {
  let index = 0;
  const [hidden , sethidden] = useState(false);
  const [styleBar , setBar] = useState(STYLE[0]);
  const changeStyle = () => {
    index += 1;
    if(index == 3)
      index = 0;
  return (
    <View style={styles.container}>
        <View style={styles.button}>
          title={"Hide StatusBar"}
        <View style={styles.button}>
          title={"Change Style"}
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    backgroundColor: '#fff',
    alignItems: 'center',
    justifyContent: 'center',
  text : {
    fontSize : 40,
    marginBottom : 30
  button : {
    margin : 20,

Start the server by using the following command.

npm run android

Output: If your emulator did not open automatically then you need to do it manually. First, go to your android studio and run the emulator. Now start the server again. 


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