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QA – Placement Quizzes | Numbers, LCM and HCF | Question 3

What is the unit’s digit in the product (267)153 x (66666)72 ?
(A) 7
(B) 6
(C) 1
(D) 2

Answer: (D)
Explanation: We have to find the unit digit only.

In 267 unit digit is 7 and cyclicity of 7 is 4.
So, (267)153 can be written as (267)Rem(153)/4 = (267)1
Unit digit of (267)1 = 7.
similarly for 66666 unit digit is 6 and cyclicity for 6 is 1.
Unit digit for (66666)72 = 6.

Therefore , Unit digit of the resultant is 7 * 6 = 2
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