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Python | Play a video using OpenCV

OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a computer vision library that contains various functions to perform operations on Images or videos. OpenCV library can be used to perform multiple operations on videos. 

Let’s see how to play a video using the OpenCV Python. To capture a video, we need to create a VideoCapture object. VideoCapture have the device index or the name of a video file. Device index is just the number to specify which camera. If we pass 0 then it is for first camera, 1 for second camera so on. We capture the video frame by frame.


  • cv2.VideoCapture(0): Means first camera or webcam.
  • cv2.VideoCapture(1):  Means second camera or webcam.
  • cv2.VideoCapture(“file name.mp4”): Means video file

Step 1: Import the required modules,

import cv2
import numpy as np

Step 2: Creating the object of the VideoCapture and read the input file

cap = cv2.VideoCapture('Spend Your Summer Vacations Wisely! Ft. Sandeep Sir _ GeeksforGeeks.mp4')

Step 3: Check if the camera is opened or not,

if (cap.isOpened()== False): 
# Give a error message

Step 4: Entire file is read frame by frame,

# Read the entire file until it is completed
  # Capture each frame
    ret, frame =
      if ret == True:
      # Display the resulting frame

Below is the complete implementation

# importing libraries
import cv2
import numpy as np
# Create a VideoCapture object and read from input file
cap = cv2.VideoCapture('Spend Your Summer Vacations\
Wisely! Ft. Sandeep Sir _ GeeksforGeeks.mp4')
# Check if camera opened successfully
if (cap.isOpened()== False):
    print("Error opening video file")
# Read until video is completed
# Capture frame-by-frame
    ret, frame =
    if ret == True:
    # Display the resulting frame
        cv2.imshow('Frame', frame)
    # Press Q on keyboard to exit
        if cv2.waitKey(25) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
# Break the loop
# When everything done, release
# the video capture object
# Closes all the frames


Output video frames

Note : Video file should have in same directory where program is executed.


Here we are first importing the required modules first and using the VideoCapture() method to read the input video file and raise a error if the file didn’t open and imshow() to present the frame that was fetched.

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