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Pairs involved in Balanced Parentheses

Given a string of brackets, the task is to find the number of pairs of brackets involved in a balanced sequence in a given range.

Examples :  

Input : ((())(()
Range : 1 5
Range : 3 8
Output : 2
Explanation :  In range 1 to 5 ((()), 
there are the two pairs. In range 3 to 8 ())
((), there are the two pairs.

Input : )()()))
Range : 1 2
Range : 4 7
Output : 0
Explanation :  In range 1 to 2 )( there 
is no pair. In range 4 to 7 ())), 
there is the only pair

Prerequisite : Segment Trees 

Approach : 

Here, in segment tree, for each node, keep some simple elements, like integers or sets or vectors or etc. 
For each node keep three integers : 

Now, having these variables, queries can be answered easily using segment tree.

Below is the implementation of the above approach : 

// CPP code to find the number of pairs
// involved in balanced parentheses
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Our struct node
struct node {
    // three variables required
    int t, o, c;
// Declare array of nodes of very big
// size which acts as segment tree here.
struct node tree_arr[5 * 1000];
// To build a segment tree we pass 1 as
// 'id' 0 as 'l' and l as 'n'.
// Here, we consider query's interval as [x, y)
void build(int id, int l, int r, string s)
    /* this base condition is common to
       build any segment tree*/
    // This is the base
    // Only one element left
    if (r - l < 2) {
        // If that element is open bracket
        if (s[l] == '(')
            tree_arr[id].o = 1;
        // If that element is open bracket
            tree_arr[id].c = 1;
    // Next three lines are common
    // for any segment tree.
    int mid = (l + r) / 2;
    // for left tree
    build(2 * id, l, mid, s);
    // for right tree
    build(2 * id + 1, mid, r, s);
    // Here we take minimum of left tree
    // opening brackets and right tree
    // closing brackets
    int tmp = min(tree_arr[2 * id].o,
                  tree_arr[2 * id + 1].c);
    // we add that to our answer.
    tree_arr[id].t = tree_arr[2 * id].t +
              tree_arr[2 * id + 1].t + tmp;
    // Remove the answer from opening brackets
    tree_arr[id].o = tree_arr[2 * id].o +
               tree_arr[2 * id + 1].o - tmp;
    // Remove the answer from opening brackets
    tree_arr[id].c = tree_arr[2 * id].c +
               tree_arr[2 * id + 1].c - tmp;
// This will return the answer for each query.
// Here we consider query's interval as [x, y)
node segment(int x, int y, int id,
             int l, int r, string s)
    // If the given interval is out of range
    if (l >= y || x >= r) {
        struct node tem;
        tem.t = 0;
        tem.o = 0;
        tem.c = 0;
        return tem;
    // If the given interval completely lies
    if (x <= l && r <= y)
        return tree_arr[id];
    // Next three lines are common for
    // any segment tree.
    int mid = (l + r) / 2;
    // For left tree
    struct node a =
           segment(x, y, 2 * id, l, mid, s);
    // For right tree
    struct node b =
           segment(x, y, 2 * id + 1, mid, r, s);
    // Same as made in build function
    int temp;
    temp = min(a.o, b.c);
    struct node vis;
    vis.t = a.t + b.t + temp;
    vis.o = a.o + b.o - temp;
    vis.c = a.c + b.c - temp;
    return vis;
// Driver code
int main()
    string s = "((())(()";
    int n = s.size();
    // range for query
    int a = 3, b = 8;
    build(1, 0, n, s);
    // Here we consider query's interval as [a, b)
    // We subtract 1 from 'a' because indexes start
    // from 0.
    struct node p = segment(a-1, b, 1, 0, n, s);
    cout << p.t << endl;
    return 0;

// Java code for the above approach
import java.util.Scanner;
// Our struct node
class Node {
  int t, o, c;
class SegmentTree {
  Node[] tree_arr;
  // Declare array of nodes of very big size which acts as segment tree here.
  SegmentTree(int n) {
    tree_arr = new Node[5 * n];
    for (int i = 0; i < 5 * n; i++) {
      tree_arr[i] = new Node();
  // To build a segment tree we pass 1 as 'id' 0 as 'l' and l as 'n'.
  // Here, we consider query's interval as [x, y)
  void build(int id, int l, int r, String s) {
    /* this base condition is common to
           build any segment tree*/
    // This is the base
    // Only one element left
    if (r - l < 2) {
      // If that element is open bracket
      if (s.charAt(l) == '(') {
        tree_arr[id].o = 1;
      } else {
        tree_arr[id].c = 1;
    // Next three lines are common
    // for any segment tree.
    int mid = (l + r) / 2;
    // for left tree
    build(2 * id, l, mid, s);
    // for right tree
    build(2 * id + 1, mid, r, s);
    // Here we take minimum of left tree opening brackets and right tree closing brackets
    int temp = Math.min(tree_arr[2 * id].o, tree_arr[2 * id + 1].c);
    // we add that to our answer.
    tree_arr[id].t = tree_arr[2 * id].t + tree_arr[2 * id + 1].t + temp;
    // Remove the answer from opening brackets
    tree_arr[id].o = tree_arr[2 * id].o + tree_arr[2 * id + 1].o - temp;
    // Remove the answer from opening brackets
    tree_arr[id].c = tree_arr[2 * id].c + tree_arr[2 * id + 1].c - temp;
  // This will return the answer for each query.
  // Here we consider query's interval as [x, y)
  Node segment(int x, int y, int id, int l, int r, String s) {
    // If the given interval is out of range
    if (l >= y || x >= r) {
      Node temp = new Node();
      temp.t = 0;
      temp.o = 0;
      temp.c = 0;
      return temp;
    // If the given interval completely lies
    if (x <= l && r <= y) {
      return tree_arr[id];
    // Next three lines are common for
    // any segment tree.
    int mid = (l + r) / 2;
    // For left tree
    Node a = segment(x, y, 2 * id, l, mid, s);
    // For right tree
    Node b = segment(x, y, 2 * id + 1, mid, r, s);
    int temp = Math.min(a.o, b.c);
    Node res = new Node();
    res.t = a.t + b.t + temp;
    res.o = a.o + b.o - temp;
    res.c = a.c + b.c - temp;
    return res;
  // Driver code
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String s = "((())(()";
    int n = s.length();
    SegmentTree obj = new SegmentTree(n);, 0, n, s);
    int a = 3, b = 8;
    Node p = obj.segment(a - 1, b, 1, 0, n, s);
// This code is contributed by Potta Lokesh

# Python3 code to find the number of pairs
# involved in balanced parentheses
# Our struct node
class node :
    def __init__(self):
        # three variables required
        self.t = 0
        self.o = 0
        self.c = 0
# Declare array of nodes of very big
# size which acts as segment tree here.
tree_arr = [node()]*(5 * 1000)
# To build asegmenttree we pass 1 as
# 'id' 0 as 'l' and l as 'n'.
# Here, we consider query's interval as [x, y)
def build(id, l, r, s):
    global tree_arr
    tree_arr[id] = node()
    # this base condition is common to
    # build any segment tree
    # This is the base
    # Only one element left
    if (r - l < 2) :
        # If that element is open bracket
        if (s[l] == "("):
            tree_arr[id].o = 1
        # If that element is open bracket
            tree_arr[id].c = 1
    # Next three lines are common
    # for any segment tree.
    mid = int( (l + r) / 2)
    # for left tree
    build(2 * id, l, mid, s)
    # for right tree
    build(2 * id + 1, mid, r, s)
    # Here we take minimum of left tree
    # opening brackets and right tree
    # closing brackets
    tmp = min(tree_arr[2 * id].o,
                tree_arr[2 * id + 1].c)
    # we add that to our answer.
    tree_arr[id].t = tree_arr[2 * id].t + \
                    tree_arr[2 * id + 1].t + tmp
    # Remove the answer from opening brackets
    tree_arr[id].o = tree_arr[2 * id].o + \
                    tree_arr[2 * id + 1].o - tmp
    # Remove the answer from opening brackets
    tree_arr[id].c = tree_arr[2 * id].c + \
                    tree_arr[2 * id + 1].c - tmp
# This will return the answer for each query.
# Here we consider query's interval as [x, y)
def segment(x, y, id, l, r, s):
    global tree_arr
    # If the given interval is out of range
    if (l >= y or x >= r) :
        tem= node()
        tem.t = 0
        tem.o = 0
        tem.c = 0
        return tem
    # If the given interval completely lies
    if (x <= l and r <= y):
        return tree_arr[id]
    # Next three lines are common for
    # any segment tree.
    mid = int((l + r) / 2)
    # For left tree
    a = segment(x, y, 2 * id, l, mid, s)
    # For right tree
    b = segment(x, y, 2 * id + 1, mid, r, s)
    # Same as made in build function
    temp= 0
    temp = min(a.o, b.c)
    vis = node()
    vis.t = a.t + b.t + temp
    vis.o = a.o + b.o - temp
    vis.c = a.c + b.c - temp
    return vis
# Driver code
s = "((())(()"
n = len(s)
# range for query
a = 3
b = 8
build(1, 0, n, s)
# Here we consider query's interval as [a, b)
# We subtract 1 from 'a' because indexes start
# from 0.
p = segment(a-1, b, 1, 0, n, s)
print(p.t )
# This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu

using System;
class SegmentTree {
    public Node[] tree_arr;
    // Our struct node
    public struct Node { public int t, o, c; }
    // Declare array of nodes of very big size which acts as
    // segment tree here.
    public SegmentTree(int n)
        tree_arr = new Node[5 * n];
        for (int i = 0; i < 5 * n; i++) {
            tree_arr[i] = new Node();
    // To build a segment tree we pass 1 as 'id' 0 as 'l'
    // and l as 'n'. Here, we consider query's interval as
    // [x, y)
    public void build(int id, int l, int r, string s)
        /* this base condition is common to
               build any segment tree*/
        // This is the base
        // Only one element left
        if (r - l < 2) {
            // If that element is open bracket
            if (s[l] == '(') {
                tree_arr[id].o = 1;
            else {
                tree_arr[id].c = 1;
        // Next three lines are common
        // for any segment tree.
        int mid = (l + r) / 2;
        // for left tree
        build(2 * id, l, mid, s);
        // for right tree
        build(2 * id + 1, mid, r, s);
        // Here we take minimum of left tree opening
        // brackets and right tree closing brackets
        int temp = Math.Min(tree_arr[2 * id].o,
                            tree_arr[2 * id + 1].c);
        // we add that to our answer.
        tree_arr[id].t = tree_arr[2 * id].t
                         + tree_arr[2 * id + 1].t + temp;
        // Remove the answer from opening brackets
        tree_arr[id].o = tree_arr[2 * id].o
                         + tree_arr[2 * id + 1].o - temp;
        // Remove the answer from opening brackets
        tree_arr[id].c = tree_arr[2 * id].c
                         + tree_arr[2 * id + 1].c - temp;
    // This will return the answer for each query.
    // Here we consider query's interval as [x, y)
    public Node segment(int x, int y, int id, int l, int r,
                        string s)
        // If the given interval is out of range
        if (l >= y || x >= r) {
            Node temp = new Node();
            temp.t = 0;
            temp.o = 0;
            temp.c = 0;
            return temp;
        // If the given interval completely lies
        if (x <= l && r <= y) {
            return tree_arr[id];
        // Next three lines are common for
        // any segment tree.
        int mid = (l + r) / 2;
        // For left tree
        Node a = segment(x, y, 2 * id, l, mid, s);
        // For right tree
        Node b = segment(x, y, 2 * id + 1, mid, r, s);
        int te = Math.Min(a.o, b.c);
        Node res = new Node();
        res.t = a.t + b.t + te;
        res.o = a.o + b.o - te;
        res.c = a.c + b.c - te;
        return res;
    // Driver code
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        string s = "((())(()";
        int n = s.Length;
        SegmentTree obj = new SegmentTree(n);, 0, n, s);
        int a = 3, b = 8;
        Node p = obj.segment(a - 1, b, 1, 0, n, s);

// Our struct node
function node() {
    // three variables required
    this.t = 0;
    this.o = 0;
    this.c = 0;
// Declare array of nodes of very big
// size which acts as segment tree here.
let tree_arr = new Array(5 * 1000);
// To build a segment tree we pass 1 as
// 'id' 0 as 'l' and l as 'n'.
// Here, we consider query's interval as [x, y)
function build(id, l, r, s)
    /* this base condition is common to
       build any segment tree*/
    // This is the base
    // Only one element left
    if (r - l < 2) {
        // If that element is open bracket
        if (s[l] == '(')
            tree_arr[id].o = 1;
        // If that element is open bracket
            tree_arr[id].c = 1;
    // Next three lines are common
    // for any segment tree.
    let mid = Math.floor((l + r) / 2);
    // for left tree
    build(2 * id, l, mid, s);
    // for right tree
    build(2 * id + 1, mid, r, s);
    // Here we take minimum of left tree
    // opening brackets and right tree
    // closing brackets
    let tmp = Math.min(tree_arr[2 * id].o,
                  tree_arr[2 * id + 1].c);
    // we add that to our answer.
    tree_arr[id].t = tree_arr[2 * id].t +
              tree_arr[2 * id + 1].t + tmp;
    // Remove the answer from opening brackets
    tree_arr[id].o = tree_arr[2 * id].o +
               tree_arr[2 * id + 1].o - tmp;
    // Remove the answer from opening brackets
    tree_arr[id].c = tree_arr[2 * id].c +
               tree_arr[2 * id + 1].c - tmp;
// This will return the answer for each query.
// Here we consider query's interval as [x, y)
function segment(x, y, id,
             l, r, s)
    // If the given interval is out of range
    if (l >= y || x >= r) {
        let tem = new node();
        return tem;
    // If the given interval completely lies
    if (x <= l && r <= y)
        return tree_arr[id];
    // Next three lines are common for
    // any segment tree.
    let mid = Math.floor((l + r) / 2);
    // For left tree
    let a =
           segment(x, y, 2 * id, l, mid, s);
    // For right tree
    let b =
           segment(x, y, 2 * id + 1, mid, r, s);
    // Same as made in build function
    let temp;
    temp = Math.min(a.o, b.c);
    let vis = new node();
    vis.t = a.t + b.t + temp;
    vis.o = a.o + b.o - temp;
    vis.c = a.c + b.c - temp;
    return vis;
// Driver code
function main()
    let s = "((())(()";
    let n = s.length;
    // range for query
    let a = 3, b = 8;
    build(1, 0, n, s);
    // Here we consider query's interval as [a, b)
    // We subtract 1 from 'a' because indexes start
    // from 0.
    let p = segment(a-1, b, 1, 0, n, s);
    return 0;


Time Complexity: O(N), where N is the length of the string.
Auxiliary Space: O(N), for storing the segment tree.

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