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Netcracker Interview Experience Virtual (On-Campus) 2023

Last Updated : 22 Nov, 2022
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Netcracker came to Vellore Institute of Technology in the first week of November. Around 1300 students were shortlisted for the Online Assessment.

Round 1: (Online Assessment): This was an online assessment held on the Aon Platform. The first section was Aptitude – Quants, Verbal, and Reasoning, and only on clearing the first section cut off, you will move to the coding section.

The Coding questions asked were:

  • One DP (Dynamic Programming) question is similar to Longest Common Subsequence Problem.
  • One Binary Tree Question – Find the sum of Alternate Level Nodes of a Binary Tree starting from Level ‘0’.


  • In the above Binary Tree, you have to find the sum of all Alternate level nodes starting from 0. 
  • So, the answer will be (15 + 18 + 17 + 22 + 19) = 91.

    Try to solve at least one Coding question to increase your chances of getting shortlisted for Interviews.

Round 2: (Technical Interview – 1 Hour): There were two panelists

  • They asked me If I remember the coding questions asked in the online assessment. I told them both the questions. I solved one question related to Dp (Dynamic Programming) and explained to them the approach I applied.
  • Which language am I proficient in? (I answered JAVA)?
  • What is the use of Static keywords in Java?
  • Which is the latest version of Java?
  • Write a program to add two numbers in Java. They asked me for both methods – One by creating a function with static keywords and one without static keywords.
  • Is it valid to write static public void main (String args[]) instead of public static void main (String args[]) in Java? (The answer is Yes).
  • What do you mean by Method Overloading and Method Overriding? Mention the rules for both.
  • Mention the Access Specifiers. Out of Public, Private, and Protected Methods which one can be Overridden?
  • What do you mean by Thread? How do you create a thread in Java?
  • What do you mean by OOPS? Mention some Object-Oriented Programming Languages.
  • What do you mean by an Object?
  • How can we run Java on our computers? (The answer is that we need JDK). 
  • Explain JDK, JRE, and JVM and the differences between them.
  • How does the compiler know which is the main method in Java? Can there be more than one main method in Java?
  • How can we call the main method in Java?
  • Describe and explain the four pillars of OOPS with real-life examples.
  • What is a Binary Search Tree (BST)? 
  • Can we have duplicate values/nodes in a Binary Search Tree? Explain the reason. (The answer is no).
  • Which is the fastest Sorting Algorithm?
  • Mention the Time Complexity of Quick Sort, Merge Sort, and Bubble Sort.
  • Mention the best Searching Algorithm and its Time Complexity.
  • Write an SQL query to Insert two Columns in a Table and add Values to it. (The interviewer gave me the data).
  • Mention different Joins in SQL and Explain Self Join.
  • Mention Different Keys in SQL and Explain the use of the Primary Key and Unique Key.
  • What is the use of the Git Clone command?
  • How to create a new Branch in GitHub Repository?
  • What do you mean by Kubernetes, Docker, and Containers? Explain the difference between Docker and Container. (Since my Resume was mostly based on Cloud-Computing)
  • How do you create a Docker file? What do you mean by data centers?

Round 3: (Managerial Interview): It was a basic interview for about 20-30 mins. The panelist was a senior employee of Netcracker and he gave his introduction in the beginning. Then he asked for my introduction. 

He asked the following questions:

  • Why do you have an interest in Cloud Computing? (Since I had mentioned this in my resume).
  • What do you expect from Netcracker? (You basically have to mention your career growth expectations from the company).
  • Have you researched Netcracker? What does it do? (I had done my thorough research about the company and was able to answer well).
  • Do you have any plans for Higher Studies?
  • What made you choose Computer Science Engineering as your stream?

He then explained more about the company, the locations, benefits, etc.

Round 4: (HR Interview): It was quite short and lasted for 15-20 mins. The hr was very polite and friendly. He introduced himself and asked me the same. He asked very general questions like:

  • Are you open to relocation? He then told me that I am allotted a Pune location.
  • Do you have any plans for Higher Studies?
  • Why do you want to join Netcracker even though you have other offers?
  • How do you see yourself in 5 years?
  • Most the most difficult choice I made in my life.
  • My family background and parents’ occupation, siblings, etc.

He then gave an overview of the company and mentioned its benefits.

After 3-4 days, the results were declared.

Verdict: SELECTED! 

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