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Minimum Players required to win the game

Last Updated : 25 Jul, 2022
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Given N questions and K options for each question, where 1\leq N \leq 1000000000        and 1\leq K \leq 1000000000        . The task is to determine the sum of total number of player who has attempted ith question for all 1 \leq i \leq N        to win the game anyhow. You have to minimize the sum of a total number of player and output it modulo 109+7.

Note: Any wrong answer leads to elimination of the player.


Input: N = 3, K = 3
Output: 39

Input: N = 5, K = 2
Output: 62


  • To solve Nth question K players are needed.
  • To solve (N-1)th question K2 players are needed.
  • Similarly moving onwards, To solve 1st question KN players are needed.

So, our problem reduces to finding the sum of GP terms K + K2 + … + KN which is equal to \frac{K(K^{N}-1)}{K-1}
Now we can use Fermat’s Little Theorem to get the required answer modulo with 109+7.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ program to find minimum players
// required to win the game anyhow
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define mod 1000000007
// function to calculate (a^b)%(10^9+7).
long long int power(long long int a, long long int b)
    long long int res = 1;
    while (b) {
        if (b & 1) {
            res *= a;
            res %= mod;
        b /= 2;
        a *= a;
        a %= mod;
    return res;
// function to find the minimum required player
long long int minPlayer(long long int n, long long int k)
    // computing the nenomenator
    long long int num = ((power(k, n) - 1) + mod) % mod;
    // computing modulo inverse of denominator
    long long int den = (power(k - 1, mod - 2) + mod) % mod;
    // final result
    long long int ans = (((num * den) % mod) * k) % mod;
    return ans;
// Driver code
int main()
    long long int n = 3, k = 3;
    cout << minPlayer(n, k);
    return 0;



//Java program to find minimum players
//required to win the game anyhow
public class TYU {
    static long  mod =  1000000007;
    //function to calculate (a^b)%(10^9+7).
     static long power(long a, long b)
      long res = 1;
      while (b != 0) {
          if ((b & 1) != 0) {
              res *= a;
              res %= mod;
          b /= 2;
          a *= a;
          a %= mod;
      return res;
     //function to find the minimum required player
     static long minPlayer(long n, long k)
      // computing the nenomenator
      long num = ((power(k, n) - 1) + mod) % mod;
      // computing modulo inverse of denominator
      long den = (power(k - 1, mod - 2) + mod) % mod;
      // final result
      long ans = (((num * den) % mod) * k) % mod;
      return ans;
     //Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args) {
         long n = 3, k = 3;
         System.out.println(minPlayer(n, k));


Python 3

# Python 3 Program  to find minimum players
#  required to win the game anyhow
# constant
mod = 1000000007
# function to calculate (a^b)%(10^9+7).
def power(a, b) :
    res = 1
    while(b) :
        if (b & 1) :
            res *= a
            res %= mod
        b //= 2
        a *= a
        a %= mod
    return res
# function to find the minimum required player
def minPlayer(n, k) :
    # computing the nenomenator
    num = ((power(k, n) - 1) + mod) % mod
    # computing modulo inverse of denominator
    den = (power(k - 1,mod - 2) + mod) % mod
    # final result
    ans = (((num * den) % mod ) * k) % mod
    return ans
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__" :
    n, k = 3, 3
    print(minPlayer(n, k))
# This code is contributed by ANKITRAI1



// C# program to find minimum players
// required to win the game anyhow
using System;
class GFG
static long mod = 1000000007;
// function to calculate (a^b)%(10^9+7).
static long power(long a, long b)
long res = 1;
while (b != 0)
    if ((b & 1) != 0)
        res *= a;
        res %= mod;
    b /= 2;
    a *= a;
    a %= mod;
return res;
// function to find the minimum
// required player
static long minPlayer(long n, long k)
    // computing the nenomenator
    long num = ((power(k, n) - 1) + mod) % mod;
    // computing modulo inverse
    // of denominator
    long den = (power(k - 1, mod - 2) + mod) % mod;
    // final result
    long ans = (((num * den) % mod) * k) % mod;
    return ans;
// Driver code
public static void Main()
    long n = 3, k = 3;
    Console.WriteLine(minPlayer(n, k));
// This code is contributed
// by Shashank



// PHP program to find minimum players
// required to win the game anyhow
// function to calculate (a^b)%(10^9+7).
function power($a, $b)
    $mod = 1000000007;
    $res = 1;
    while ($b)
        if ($b & 1)
            $res *= $a;
            $res %= $mod;
        $b /= 2;
        $a *= $a;
        $a %= $mod;
    return $res;
// function to find the minimum
// required player
function minPlayer($n, $k)
    $mod =1000000007;
    // computing the nenomenator
    $num = ((power($k, $n) - 1) +
                   $mod) % $mod;
    // computing modulo inverse
    // of denominator
    $den = (power($k - 1, $mod - 2) +
                  $mod) % $mod;
    // final result
    $ans = ((($num * $den) % $mod) *
                       $k) % $mod;
    return $ans;
// Driver code
$n = 3;
$k = 3;
echo minPlayer($n, $k);
// This code is contributed
// by Shivi_Aggarwal



//javascript program to find minimum players
//required to win the game anyhow
    var mod = 107;
    // function to calculate (a^b)%(10^9+7).
    function power(a , b) {
        var res = 1;
        while (b != 0) {
            if ((b & 1) != 0) {
                res *= a;
                res = res%mod;
            b = parseInt(b/2);
            a *= a;
            a %= mod;
        return res;
    // function to find the minimum required player
    function minPlayer(n , k) {
        // computing the nenomenator
        var num = ((power(k, n) - 1) + mod) % mod;
        // computing modulo inverse of denominator
        var den = (power(k - 1, mod - 2) + mod) % mod;
        // final result
        var ans = (((num * den) % mod) * k) % mod;
        return ans;
    // Driver code
        var n = 3, k = 3;
        document.write(minPlayer(n, k));
// This code contributed by gauravrajput1




Time Complexity: O(log(n)), Auxiliary Space: O (1) 

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