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Given a matrix, sort the rows of matrix in ascending order followed by sorting the columns in descending order. Examples :  Input : a[3][3] = {{1,… Read More
A matrix is said to be singular if the determinant of the matrix is 0 otherwise it is non-singular . Examples:  Input : 0 0… Read More
Linear Regression is a very commonly used statistical method that allows us to determine and study the relationship between two continuous variables. The various properties… Read More
Given a binary tree, find the length of the longest path where each node in the path has the same value. This path may or… Read More
Given n and q, i.e, the number of ranges and number of queries, find the kth smallest element for each query (assume k>1).Print the value… Read More
Jio is having one of the most robust and fast pace interview process. Jio came to our campus for the position Of Graduate Engineer trainee… Read More
The syntax provided in this article works only for SQL Server and MySQL.  If you want to know how many tables are present in your… Read More
A pronic number is such a number which can be represented as a product of two consecutive positive integers. By multiplying these two consecutive positive… Read More
Given an integer n, find the power of a given prime number(r) in n!Examples :   Input : n = 6 r = 3 Factorial of… Read More
We are given a matrix, we need to check whether it is an orthogonal matrix or not. An orthogonal matrix is a square matrix and… Read More
We are given two integers n and d, we need to count all n digit numbers that do not have digit d. Example :  Input… Read More
Given an array of n positive integers and a number k. Find the minimum number of swaps required to bring all the numbers less than… Read More
Telephonic Round-1 A number of bad URLs are given (number could be huge-millions of them). Now user enters a URL, you need to identify whether… Read More
Given an array A[] of N numbers, we need to maximize the sum of selected numbers following the given operation: At each step, you need… Read More
Prerequisite – Access and trunk ports Switches divide broadcast domain through VLAN (Virtual LAN). VLAN is a partitioned broadcast domain from a single broadcast domain.… Read More
This tutorial will help you download youtube video or audio with python using pafy library. Pafy library is used to retrieve YouTube content and metadata.… Read More
Given an array of n-positive integers and a positive integer k, find a set of exactly m-elements such that difference of any two element is… Read More
Given a positive integer n i.e, the radius of the circle, print a circle using stars.  Examples :  Input : n = 3 Output :… Read More
Round 1: Telephonic Round (90 minutes) It was a telephonic round. The interviewer started with brief discussion about my projects and technologies I know. Then he… Read More
Given a decimal number m, convert it into a binary string and apply n iterations. In each iteration, 0 becomes “01” and 1 becomes “10”.… Read More