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Augmented Reality or A.R is a way by which technology can change how we perceive the world around us. It’s also very useful in various… Read More
Prerequisite – Turing Machine The language L = {ww | w ∈ {0, 1}} tells that every string of 0’s and 1’s which is followed by… Read More
Prerequisite – Access-lists (ACL) Access-list (ACL) is a set of rules defined for controlling network traffic and reducing network attacks. ACLs are used to filter traffic… Read More
Data science deals with identifying, representing and extracting meaningful information from data sources to be used to perform some business logics.The data scientist uses machine… Read More
Prerequisite – Network address translation (NAT) Network Address Translation (NAT) is a process in which one or more local IP address is translated into one or… Read More
Given a tree and weights of nodes. Weights are non-negative integers. Task is to find maximum size of a subtree of a given tree such… Read More
Robot is part of java.awt package . Robot class is basically used to generate native system input events for the purposes of self- running demos,… Read More
Given integers x1, x2, x3……xn, b, and m, we are supposed to find the result of ((x1*x2….xn)/b)mod(m). Example 1: Suppose that we are required to find… Read More
Find the number of digits in the nth number constructed by using 6, 1, 4, and 9 as the only digits in the ascending order.… Read More
Given the string, the task is to generate the same string using the random combination of special character, numbers, and alphabets. Examples : Input :… Read More
Given an array of n positive integers, write a program to find the maximum sum of increasing subsequence from prefix till ith index and also… Read More
Prerequisite :Basic knowledge of STL and Sets Data structure. About ordered set Ordered set is a policy based data structure in g++ that keeps the… Read More
Given K, number of digits, and d0 and d1 as the two digits to form the k-sized integer. Task is to check whether the k-sized… Read More
Given a number check whether binary representation of its predecessor and its 1’s complement are same or not. Examples:  Input : 14 Output : NO Storing 14 as… Read More
Given a number N, print all prime number smaller than or equal to N in reverse order . For example, if N is 9, the output… Read More
You are given the slope of one line (m1) and you have to find the slope of another line which is perpendicular to the given… Read More
Write a function to count the number of smaller elements on the right of each element in an array. Given an unsorted array arr[] of… Read More
Given n points, we need to check if these n points are parallel to X axis or Y axis or to No axis. Examples:   Input… Read More
Given a number, your task to print the factorial of that number using pl/sql. Examples: Input : 5 Output : 120 Explanation: 5! = 5… Read More
Given a string s we have to find the lexicographical maximum substring of a string Examples:  Input : s = "ababaa" Output : babaa Explanation… Read More