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Given a square having a side of length L. Another square form inside the first square by joining midpoint of the side of the first… Read More
Given a very large Number N. The task is to check if the number can be divided into two or more segments of an equal… Read More
Given an array of N integers. The task is to find the maximum length subarray such that the sum of all its elements is greater… Read More
Given N ranges of L-R. The task is to print the number which occurs the maximum number of times in the given ranges.  Note: 1… Read More
The addAll() method of java.util.Collections class is used to add all of the specified elements to the specified collection. Elements to be added may be… Read More
CSS has several different units for expressing the length and measurement. CSS units are needed to specify the measurement in the stylesheet like padding:”5px“. Mainly… Read More
Given a Linked List and a key K. The task is to write a program to delete all the nodes from the list that are… Read More
Given two numeric strings, A and B. A numeric string is a string that contains only digits [‘0’-‘9’].The task is to make both the strings… Read More
Given a singly linked list of integers, the task is to sort it using iterative merge sort. Recommended: Please solve it on “PRACTICE” first, before… Read More
There are various strategies that are considered while designing a schema. Most of these strategies follow an incremental approach that is, they must start with… Read More
stream(T[] array) The stream(T[] array) method of Arrays class in Java, is used to get a Sequential Stream from the array passed as the parameter… Read More
Given a string of characters with opening and closing brackets. The task is to remove extra brackets from string and balance it. Examples:  Input: str… Read More
Given a number N. The task is to find the sum of all factors of the given number N. Examples:   Input : N = 12… Read More
Prerequisite: Indexers in C# The multi-dimensional indexer is almost similar to multidimensional arrays. For the efficient content-based retrieval of data, multidimensional indexers are used. To… Read More
Design an online book reader system (Object-Oriented Design).  Asked In: Amazon, Microsoft, and many more interviews  Solution: Let’s assume we want to design a basic… Read More
To understand better the halting problem, we must know Decidability, Undecidability and Turing machine, decision problems and also a theory named as Computability theory and… Read More
In our daily lives, we have to remember a lot of phone numbers. Most people find it quite difficult to remember such huge 10-digit phone… Read More
We are given a recursive function that describes Nth terms in the form of other terms. In this article, we have taken specific examples.  Now… Read More
Perfios had recently come to our college to recruit interns and full time employees for the role of Software Developers. We had to go to… Read More
Given a string S. You are allowed two types of operations:  Remove a character from the front of the string.Remove a character from the end… Read More