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Given the P, B and H are the perpendicular, base and hypotenuse respectively of a right angled triangle. The task is to find the area… Read More
Given two strings S1 and S2, the task is to count the number of sub-strings of S1 that are anagrams of any sub-string of S2.… Read More
Give an array of positive integers. The task is to find the total sum after performing the bitwise OR operation on all the sub-arrays of… Read More
Given two integers A and B where A is not divisible by B, the task is to express A / B as a natural number… Read More
Given a Binary String of length . It is allowed to do at most one swap between any 0 and 1. The task is to find… Read More
Given an integer N, the task is to find the sum of N and it’s maximum prime factor.Examples:   Input: 19 Output: 38 Maximum prime factor of 19… Read More
Given a Set, the task is to traverse this Set in reverse order. Examples: Input: set = [10 20 30 70 80 90 100 40… Read More
I applied for internship in Amazon through college placement cell. The process took 1 whole day. I interviewed at Amazon (New Delhi) in September 2018.… Read More
Prerequisite: Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm  Given an adjacency matrix graph representing paths between the nodes in the given graph. The task is to find the… Read More
DATA COMPRESSION AND ITS TYPES Data Compression, also known as source coding, is the process of encoding or converting data in such a way that it… Read More
The ODBMS which is an abbreviation for object-oriented database management system is the data model in which data is stored in form of objects, which… Read More
As we know Selenium is a tool used for controlling web browsers through a program. It can be used in all browsers, OS, and its… Read More
Till now, we have seen the ways to create a dictionary in multiple ways and different operations on the key and values in the Python… Read More
Given string str representing a logical expression which consists of the operators | (OR), & (AND),! (NOT) , 0, 1 and, only (i.e. no space… Read More
Geek on the top is all about success stories of Geeks who are working hard to chase their goals and are the inspiration for other… Read More
Let’s discuss how to reset the index in Pandas DataFrame. Often We start with a huge data frame in Pandas and after manipulating/filtering the data… Read More
Image classification is a method to classify way images into their respective category classes using some methods like :   Training a small network from scratchFine-tuning… Read More
Theano is a Python library that allows us to evaluate mathematical operations including multi-dimensional arrays efficiently. It is mostly used in building Deep Learning Projects.… Read More
Given an array containing N elements. It is allowed to do the below move any number of times on the array:  Choose any L and… Read More
Coding Round: Kim Question check ( Group Discussion: They actually gave a very big question. The challenge in the question is that you should be… Read More