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Data Storage is a key segment of computerized gadgets, as buyers and organizations have come to depend on it to save data going from individual… Read More
QuickSort is a Divide and Conquer algorithm. It picks an element as pivot and partitions the given array around the picked pivot. There are many… Read More
The unpack() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to unpack from a binary string into the respective format. Syntax: array unpack(… Read More
Bubble Sort is the simplest sorting algorithm that works by repeatedly swapping the adjacent elements if they are in the wrong order. In order to… Read More
Problem Statement: The problem is to design a Chess Game using Object Oriented Principles. Asked In: Adobe, Amazon, Microsoft, etc. Solution: These type of questions… Read More
Given a linked list which represents an integer number where every node is a digit if the represented integer. The task is to add a… Read More
Consider a segment tree built on an array of N elements. What is the minimum number of node updates required to rebuild the entire tree… Read More
Amazon SDE1 hiring (Off-Campus): June 2019 There were 5 rounds. Round 1: (Paper Coding) Q1. A person is standing at the center(0, 0). He is… Read More
Consider a rat placed at (0, 0) in a square matrix m[ ][ ] of order n and has to reach the destination at (n-1,… Read More
Given an array of pairs of numbers of size N. In every pair, the first number is always smaller than the second number. A pair… Read More
var keyword in Golang is used to create the variables of a particular type having a proper name and initial value. Initialization is optional at… Read More
Given a Binary search tree, the task is to implement forward iterator on it with the following functions.  curr(): returns the pointer to current element.… Read More
Given an array arr[] of N integers, the task is to sort the array without changing the position of negative numbers (if any) i.e. the… Read More
Given a string of lowercase English alphabets and an integer 0 < K <= 26. The task is to divide the string into two parts… Read More
Given an array a[ ] and the number of adjacent swap operations allowed are K. The task is to find the max number that can… Read More
A MySQL trigger is a stored program (with queries) which is executed automatically to respond to a specific event such as insertion, updation or deletion… Read More
We can create a list of objects in Python by appending class instances to the list. By this, every index in the list can point… Read More
Given a Binary Search Tree, and a number X. The task is to find the number of distinct pairs of distinct nodes in BST with… Read More
Given 2 Binary Search Trees, select one node from each tree such that their absolute difference is minimum possible. Assume each BST has at-least one… Read More
Construct the BST (Binary Search Tree) from its given level order traversal. Examples:  Input : {7, 4, 12, 3, 6, 8, 1, 5, 10} Output… Read More