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A class is a user-defined blueprint or prototype from which objects are created. Classes provide a means of bundling data and functionality together. Creating a… Read More
Prerequisite: Turtle Programming Basics turtle is an inbuilt module in Python. It provides drawing using a screen (cardboard) and turtle (pen). To draw something on the… Read More
Given a number N, the task is to count all possible combinations of pairs formed using adjacent elements.Note: If an element exists already in a… Read More
Node.js has seen an important growth in past years and is still increasing its value in many organizations and business models. Companies like Walmart or… Read More
Prerequisites: Graph and Its RepresentationIn this article, adding and removing edge is discussed in a given adjacency list representation. A vector has been used to implement… Read More
Prerequisites : Introduction to tkinter  Python offers multiple options for developing GUI (Graphical User Interface). Out of all the GUI methods, Tkinter is the most… Read More
Hash Function is a function that has a huge role in making a System Secure as it converts normal data given to it as an… Read More
Given an integer array arr and a number K, the task is to find the length of the longest subarray such that all the elements… Read More
Taking care of your computer’s storage is super important, especially in Linux. You need to keep an eye on how much space is left to… Read More
Given two strings A and B consisting of only lowercase letters, the task is to find the minimum number of subsequences required from A to… Read More
JSON(JavaScript Object Notation) is a data-interchange format that is human-readable text and is used to transmit data, especially between web applications and servers. The JSON… Read More
Socket programming is a way of connecting two nodes on a network to communicate with each other. One socket(node) listens on a particular port at… Read More
A key concept in probability theory, the Bayes theorem, provides the foundation for the probabilistic classifier known as Naive Bayes. It is a simple yet… Read More
INTRODUCTION: Data transformation in data mining refers to the process of converting raw data into a format that is suitable for analysis and modeling. The… Read More
For a given distinct integer sequence of size N, the task is to count the number of contiguous increasing subsequence and contiguous decreasing subsequence in… Read More
Got shortlisted on the basis of cocubes score. After being shorlisted there was a online coding round of half an hour which consisited of two… Read More
Given a directed graph with N nodes and E edges where the weight of each of the edge is > 1, also given a source… Read More
A class is a user-defined blueprint or prototype from which objects are created. Classes provide a means of bundling data and functionality together. Creating a… Read More
Given a bi-directed weighted (positive) graph without self-loops, the task is to generate the minimum spanning tree of the graph.Examples:   Input: N = 9, E… Read More
In different regions of the world, different types of date formats are used and for that reason usually, programming languages provide a number of date… Read More